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[quote]If our leader can't respect our great leaders then what will they expect with us?,this is very shameful act.

Now all are not leader but cader of party.[/quote]

This is 'cadre' and not 'cader'.

Drawing someone's cartoon is not disrespect. Indira Gandhi is considered as undemocratic because she imposed emergency. But she never found fault with cartoons. Many cartoons even showed he nose too long.

I remember that as a child and even during college days, I would see cartoons first in a newspaper. Cartoons say in one glance that even thousand words cannot say.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

[quote]If our leader can't respect our great leaders then what will they expect with us?,this is very shameful act.

Now all are not leader but cader of party.

This is 'cadre' and not 'cader'.

Drawing someone's cartoon is not disrespect. Indira Gandhi is considered as undemocratic because she imposed emergency. But she never found fault with cartoons. Many cartoons even showed he nose too long.

I remember that as a child and even during college days, I would see cartoons first in a newspaper. Cartoons say in one glance that even thousand words cannot say.[/quote]

Cartoons are not mere caricatures as most of them convey deeper social and political insights!
I did not want to mean that cartoon is wrong but doing something wrong presentation is bad.
I did not want to mean that cartoon is wrong but doing something wrong presentation is bad.

Nobody will like any expression/ views against him in cartoons, words, poems or any other mode. Democratic spirit is essentially tolerance to contrary opinion and expression irrespective of what you think. A cartoonist must be free to express. This freedom must be permitted as long as this does not create communal hatred, tension or helps enemy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

[quote]gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
If our leader can't respect our great leaders then what will they expect with us?,this is very shameful act.

Now all are not leader but cader of party.

This is 'cadre' and not 'cader'.

Drawing someone's cartoon is not disrespect. Indira Gandhi is considered as undemocratic because she imposed emergency. But she never found fault with cartoons. Many cartoons even showed he nose too long.

I remember that as a child and even during college days, I would see cartoons first in a newspaper. Cartoons say in one glance that even thousand words cannot say.

Cartoons are not mere caricatures as most of them convey deeper social and political insights! [/quote]

I agree! In fact the amount of freedom or leeway given to cartoonists to express political scenarios in any country or state is a true reflection of how healthy the political regime and also a mirror of a true democracy!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Mam I agree with you mam but it is not good to cartoon such a great leader.This will hurt many people feelings.

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[quote]Mam I agree with you mam but it is not good to cartoon such a great leader.This will hurt many people feelings. [/quote]

Sasikanth do you know that the cartoon was made when Ambedkar was very much alive and he did not find anything wrong with it himself!! Also, the said cartoon is in circulation for the last six years, it is not printed just recently, so is it not suspicious and ridiculous that the RPI is making a noise about it now???

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Then why they are making this issue now. SO they have idea of to stay in news with this issue.

Really a Bad idea.

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[quote]Then why they are making this issue now. SO they have idea of to stay in news with this issue.

Really a Bad idea. [/quote]

Now you get it, the question is why!! They simply want to attract attention and create publicity in media. Now at a time when major parts of our country are going through a horrible famine situation, creating havoc with such trivial issue is not something that would be wanted by Dr. Ambedkar. Also, the fact is that these people themselves are not familiar about his principles and his beliefs, they only want a bit of publicity and money, come what may be.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Then media should not encourage this type of fellows due to media they are making this a hard issue.

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