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We must wait for it when it comes to us we must grab it so that we will win in our life.

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No SJ.. I have many examples where non hard workers gain lot and hard workers are no wherein their comparison...

Even i am the example of what you said. :evil:

But that is rare people who do hard work get success at the end compared to those who don't.One cannot just sit and rely on luck only. :)
[quote]The funny thing about luck is that whenever it's against you you complain but when it is in favor we hardly acknowledge that!![/quote]
This is 100% correct.So we should not go through luck It may prefer or not.Hard work is the only key to get success.
Luck along with hardwork is everything. But one should not submit everything to luck
The funny thing about luck is that whenever it's against you you complain but when it is in favor we hardly acknowledge that!!

But i am not so jee....
Many things have occurred in my life where luck favoured me. I do remember me. Yet, even after a lot of hard work that 'Luck factor' loves to stay away from me, most time. I don't know why :sick:

Meera sandhu
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