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In many countries women's day is holiday. The link below provides detail of celebrating this day.

There is message to eve teasers on this Holi. Play with love, otherwise you will get beaten.

Here are some images of powerful women.

Today my office is leave due to womens day and holi festival.
I am very happy to wish all the women in this world happy women's day.. B)

In many countries women's day is holiday. The link below provides detail of celebrating this day.

There is message to eve teasers on this Holi. Play with love, otherwise you will get beaten.

Here are some images of powerful women.

What else do you think they are doing sir. Playing with all the love they can.
Bura na mano holi hai Is the theme. They can go up to any distance to make it a lovely day. And that is not sober with your's truly's points of views.

I agree Holi is naughty and not sober. The theme slogan- 'Bura na mano holi hai'- I dislike. I believe that Holi should be played only with friends and not unwilling strangers. We can hardly expect sobriety in Mathura Vrindavan. If some is unwilling, he should better stay home. Incidentally, I am also at home and writing this post.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No sir, let me disagree with you on this particular point, this is not Holi that is bad or the festival hasn't its importance, this is we who made it what it looks like today.

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You are right,Sunil! As long as all our festivals are observed true to their spirits, these are great occasions to renew ourselves but the moment that very spirits disappear, we see very unsavoury consequences!
All our festivals from every part of our country have some thing to tell us, but we have distorted them to a point where revival seems impossible.

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International women day has been celebrated around the world. see details.

On women day, let us remember the inspiring women.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A simple question to all males.
How many of you gave a gift to your lady/mother/daughter yesterday????...or treated her special?

Meera sandhu
A simple question to all males.
How many of you gave a gift to your lady/mother/daughter yesterday????...or treated her special?

Okay.. I give my mom little gift(Ganesh Statue) and we all had dinner outside yesterday... B)

A simple question to all males.
How many of you gave a gift to your lady/mother/daughter yesterday????...or treated her special?

Okay.. I give my mom little gift(Ganesh Statue) and we all had dinner outside yesterday... B)

Really nice to hear it from you.

Meera sandhu
A simple question to all males.
How many of you gave a gift to your lady/mother/daughter yesterday????...or treated her special?

Okay.. I give my mom little gift(Ganesh Statue) and we all had dinner outside yesterday... B)

Really nice to hear it from you.

I gave my wife a sweet smile and assurance of more smiles in future.She keeps money tight in her custody. :(

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