Medical treatment is basic requirement of people. It is necessary that poor get quality treatment. Medical treatment is getting costly and govt. hospitals are inadequate. Supreme court has asked for reservation of beds in private hospitals for poor.

It will be better idea to provide group Mediclaim insurance at govt. cost to poor and the leading private hospitals be earmarked for the purpose. also the ESI hospitals can be enlarged and scope extended to cover unorganized workers and other poor people.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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It's the very basic duty of any government worth its name to ensure minimum health care to one and all. In today's secenario the poor people are the ones who are suffering most!
The medical expenses are creating worry in poor people.So govt should do what needed.

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This is really a very good news because poor people cannot afford money for medical expenses.
I have see many poor people dying due to not able to pay medical expenses. Due to this atleast some of them may get benefited. However misuse can also be done as it was done for free power to farmers case. :unsure:
Many poor people die with out proper medical aid, the free medical treatment to poor should not be misused

In West Bengal the scenario is truly very depressing and it's all more deplorable as the Leftist government practically did nothing on this score!
yes poor should get free medical and treatment because they have not enough to eat so where is money come for treatment this must think by our government.
Yes poor should get free medical facilities.There are some free govt hospitals but the condition of those are very poor.
What is more distressing and deplorable is attempts by some government hospitals docs to force patients to come to their private chambers for treatment!
What is more distressing and deplorable is attempts by some government hospitals docs to force patients to come to their private chambers for treatment!

This practice is very common in U.P. All government doctors have private clinics. They spend more time there and encourage patients to visit them there.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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