Want to Lose Weight Without Major Dieting? Eat a Lighter Lunch



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Eating a lighter lunch really helps when it comes about shading weight and appeals to everyone as it cut down the intake of huge sum of calories. Perhaps it is better than major dieting which is like a torture to oneself... :)
This tips helps in loosing weight, as I have tried this long back and it had worked for me, with this tip a bit of walking works wonders


Thank you for nice topic..I also want to less my weight. This will help me.

RAM PROSAD ACHARYYA if you want to loose weight you can easily loose by just walking for at least 45 minutes daily and just reduce the intake of carbohydrate foods.


These are really useful tips shared on weight loss diet.
That is a nice option- need to try it out!!

Thanks for the tips Faze!

Swetha Shenoy
Dieting should be accompanied by exercise for at least 30 minutes to get good results.
I agree we nagalakshmi excercise is important with this diet. Both are needed.
if you really to loose you weight then you must make a habit of doing early morning exercise and keep control of eating oily food.
this is a very nice tip .a proper care should also be taken when we are in diet and walking is necessary along with it.Drinking water on empty stomach in the morning is a gud habit as it cures many diseases.

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