Undoubtedly, more than ninety percent are corrupt. But here is list of champions of corruption.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Its difficult to decide most corrupted it possible if CBI get Correct information of money.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Its difficult to decide most corrupted it possible if CBI get Correct information of money.

CBI is almost daily raiding Customs and Income Tax officers and staff and prosecuting them. CBI also publishes names of those punished on web site.

I feel most are corrupt. More than 90% of our citizens are corrupt. This is just a matter of opportunity. The size of corrupt deal in terms of money will vary with project cost. So, if there is around 20% underhand deal, a project worth Rs. one crore will involve corruption Rs. twenty lakh. The Corrupt mentality is same irrespective of volume.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes you are right opportunity is main thing I do not know why people become more corrupted after getting opportunity.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Santosh- I feel that we are basically individualist and family oriented. So we think more for personal enrichment than for nation.

secondly, our religious and social system is also corruption oriented. we offer cash and gifts even to deities and gods for personal work. So, if you want son or promotion, you go to temple and offer to pay certain quantity of cash or sweets/ laddus (prasad). This is also bribe to god. Similarly, dowry is also a sort of bribe for marrying a girl. If the girl is employed, dowry is less. If she is beautiful, dowry will be less. More dowry for ugly and unemployed.

Thus corruption is in built in social and religious system. No surprise, this is way of life. It is necessary to change this mind set. Lok Pal Bill will give no help.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you for nice sharing.Hope you will explain thus in future also.

It is very bad that now they are on scree still there is no action against them.
People support both corruption and Anna Hazare! That is the curse of our country.

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Thank you for information.But not only this ten there are thousand corrupted in Indian politics.

The basic reason is our society is corruption oriented.Thanks for sharing.
I believe that Boddunan team is most honest. We fight against spamming so successfully. Our discussions are also so honest. We are information oriented and will not be brainwashed by anyone.

I am proud of Boddunan and the members. Let us look at all events objectively and not be brainwashed by useless slogans.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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