HYDERABAD: In a clear indictment of the functioning of the private ports in Andhra Pradesh, the Santosh Hegde Lokayukta report on illegal iron ore mining in Karnataka has stated that the maximum export of illegal iron ore took place from the privately-owned Krishnapatnam port in Nellore district in the state and has recommended a detailed probe into this aspect of the mining racket.

According to the Lokayukta's report, Karnataka-origin iron ore, which is illegal since no permits have been issued to any firm, has been exported the maximum from the Krishnapatnam port during the last two years. For example, the exports in excess of the permitted quantity from the port was a whopping 1,00,86,277 metric tons in 2009-10 and 53,18,164 MT between April and December 2010.

In both these years, this was the maximum that was exported out of the various ports of Belekeri, Chennai, Kakinada, Karwar, Krishnapatnam, Mangalore and Vizag. In all, out of the total iron ore exports of 3,31,04,866 MT from the ports since 2006-7, Krishnapatnam accounted for 1,11,70,994 MT.

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This is a good act taken by Government and its wise to punish who doesn't obey it.
good. really initiative step.
Good step taken by the Andhra pradesh government.Everybody should obey the rule and regulations.

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