A woman scientist is responsible for the successful functioning of India's latest communication satellite GSAT-12, launched on Friday from the space port here, 80 kms north of Tamil Nadu's capital Chennai.

T.K. Anuradha, the first woman ever to be the satellite project director at the country's space agency, specialises in satellite checkout systems - electronic checking of satellite's performance in space, an ISRO official said.

Anuradha, in her 50s, has been with the Indian Space Research Organisation for three decades now, the official said. She heads the GSAT-12 project at the ISRO Space Centre at Bengaluru.

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Women are working in all establishments and hence this is not surprising.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Women are reputing thier names in many fields and are becoming successful nowadays.
it will rise courage in women to take initiate steps for their career.
This is really a remarkable achievement and yes we find woman's hand in every project and success today. I wish them to bloom and flourish more in the future...
Thats a good news for the world this improves the confidence in woman and they can do better in future.

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women are proving that they are now completely able to beat the man in each of field.
It's beyond one's doubt that women are at par with men in every field and they have shown their ability and potential whenever they got an opportunity....
In India women are there in many top positions at present.So we can hear such more news.

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