Friends it has been raining cats and dogs in Bengal for more than eighteen hours now and the people are really in trouble. Even I could not move out to work today.
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The rain water also fills road with water so much that it is difficult to drive or walk on the road. Day before yesterday, I could also not go to office.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In Kerala also the rain is too heavy.But still we used to go to office.

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It's not just the question of rain Abid, water logging and local train being hit by the rain and not plying prevented me from going to the office...
I think Kerala is the place where the rainfall is highest during these months of June and July.But our life is not affected badly.

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Rain is always good provided but it shouldnot be heavy downpour. It will create havoc in everyone's life especially the small creature living by the side of the lane (animals etc).
West Bengal is still under severe rain and in some places flood like situation has occurred.
it is very bad to hear about this.
Kolkata is very humid after rains.It always affects the normal life if it rains heavily. If it continues for still longer period, one can't stop doing his/her job till then.Yes for those who spend most of their times in the field, the life comes to stop for that length of time.

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Now in my state Kerala the rains are mild.One or two day we get good sunlight.

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