Recently, Swami Agnivesh commented on Amar Nath shiva Linga siad to form naturally. Many pilgrims go ever year to worship the holy site. Swami agnivesh commented that Shiva Linga is nor forming naturally but artificially formed so as to encourage tourism. He also commented why people do not make such linga in their home state rather than visiting Amar Nath.

Agnivesh may be factually correct. Butin matter of faith, facts do not matter. Swami agnivesh was slapped in a Anna Hazare gatheing and insulted. Now there is demand for punishing him.

Swami Agnivesh should be appreciated for his rational views. But such views should be expressed among intellectuals and not publicly every where especially in gathering of emotional believers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes, I do believe what Swami Agnivesh said is the truth and there is no two ways about it but he committed the mistake of speaking out in front of the devotees...Rather he should have disclosed it in some other methodical way where his views might have been well appreciated and respected but at the same time I am not saying whatever done to him as a result of this was right and should have done!!!
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