US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle made over $1.72 million last year, and paid about $453,000 in federal tax.How many of our politicians do follow this ?

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Our politicians also file income tax returns and pay taxes. A good number of Congress M.P.s including Shashi Tharoor of millionaires. They definitely pay heavy tax. But there is also black money that is not shown in return and income tax is not paid thereon.

In U.S.A., people hate to evade taxes. It does not mean that they are moralists. They will do many other irregularities but not avoid taxes. They will pay tax even on money earned through prostitution, black marketing of tickets etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

"In U.S.A., people hate to evade taxes. It does not mean that they are moralists. They will do many other irregularities but not avoid taxes. They will pay tax even on money earned through prostitution, black marketing of tickets etc. "

A new information to me.Thanks.

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Indians are not even allowed to know how much our leaders spend.They give themselves salary hikes as witnessed last year..
Our politicians are corrupting our country. Obamas is powerful person and powerful person and he can do anything. And thats what he has done

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I think our politicians should follow this practice to be loyal to our system.

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The political system in India differs much from the west. Even persosn of Indian origin are elected in U.S.A. But a person of foreign origin (except one married in vvip house) cannot be elected in India. Our people are divided in vote banks unlike west. Here you need more than acrore rupees to win Lok Sabha elections. How can you be honest and follow Obama example after getting elected by investing several crore rupees.

Unless elections are restricted only to recognized political parties, state funding of elections through political parties introduced and strict audit of election expenditure conducted, corruption cannot be tackled.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Eventhough there is strict control on funding of election , it is observed only by a few.A lifetime ban of defaulters may control it.

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