The Jan Lok Pal bill is expected to empower the justice system to deal with the wide spread of corruption in India. Will it be successful in this attempt or it will be another failed attempt?.....
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May be successful to some extent but not 100%, thanks for the info

Even Central Bureau of Investigation, Comptroller & Auditor general, Supreme court & High Court judges are 'independent'. Accordingly, Lok pal will also be 'independent'. This 'independent' authority will obviously require very big staff that will consist of I.A.S., retired judges and other government employees who may be deputed.

We may expect as much from the Lok Pal as we get from C.B.I. and various vigilance organizations. Nothing more and nothing less.

It is most important to concentrate on checking food adulteration, spurious drugs and enforce law against pollution. To check corruption, we need to build character rather than making new law and new mechanism. In fact, the organization of Lok Pal will also become another center of corruption. Moreover the expenditure on Lok pal and his staff will also be borne by tax payers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

TThanks Fathima and Gulshan for sharing your point of view on the subject....
I wish the bill should be 100% successful. The support is enormous. We must join hands to fight against corruption and eradicate it from the roots of our country.
I wish the bill should be 100% successful. The support is enormous. We must join hands to fight against corruption and eradicate it from the roots of our country.

The Jan Lok Pal Bill is just a legislation that can be passed by parliament only. We have already authorities like C.B.I. and judiciary. Corruption can be removed only if people change their habits and attitude. Most of our citizens are corrupt. These include those crowding at Jantar Mantar.

We know that the film stars and personalities forming part of Hazare crowd receive a part of their remuneration in black so as to avoid income tax. Is this not corruption? The irony is that everyone shouts about corruption and wants that all should be honest. Simultaneously everyone wishes to amass wealth for himself and family by any means. This is double standard. In absence of national character, any mechanism- C.B.I., vigilence organization and latest being Lok Pal can be only helpless.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Anna Hazare, 'social activist' alias 'civil society rep' claims that the Jan Lok Pal Bill will sendcorrupt to jail. He forgets that it is the faulty political, social and religious system and values and absolute power weilded by politicians, bureaucrats, industrial empires, NGOs that is responsible for the deep rooted corruption. Jan Lok Pal Bill is no remedy. As regards jail term, Sukhram, Congress Minister was sent to jail under existing law. Karunanidhi's daughter and Kalmadi are already in jail.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hazare needs decide whether he is to be non political, political or a spiritual and moral preacher. First, he praised Gujarat C.M. Now he is critical of him. He says that there is more liquer flowing in Gujarat than milk.

It is for people to decide whether they like milk or liquer. This is not for real politicians or pseudo politicians like Hazare to decide. The Government have no role to preach but they have to manage as people like.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Even, I agree that Jan LokPal Bill will do nothing on corruption by politicians.
I think that the drafting committee should include a clause stating that all MPs and MLA in Centre and States respectively will be put under compulsory Electronic Surveillance that too using Remote Neural Monitoring Device. This will make the politicians aware that at moment they think of taking bribe, the Jan Lokpal people will directly communicate into their ears saying that you are already monitored by us.
The Home Ministry allow the use of such device on citizens of India by different authorities who in turn instead using these device for surveillance, misuse these device and harass people. In my opinion these surveillance equipment should be used on them first,including all CBI, and all govt. and private detective agency people.
The Remote Neural Monitoring Device can read, see and communicate along with several other endless uses on any person from a remote place. There is no need to install any instrument inside the targeted person.
And if, these politicians still won't stop the corruption then the surveillance be made public. I bet, if this is implemented then nobody will want to become a Politician!!!
The suggestions by Pradeep Kumar Nanda are commendable. But in today's circumstances, these will add to corruption. First, there will be commission on buying of these machines. Then those who operate and supervise these machines will get monthly bribe from concerned M.P.s. The remote monitoring devices will also become a source of earning to many.

The root cause of corruption is costly elections. Nobody can become M.P. or M.L.A. without spending huge amount running in tens of lakhs and even crore. The elected M.P. will have to recover the cost of election through corruption. As ministers and M.P.s cannot earn illicit income by themselves, they tend to corrupt entire government machinery- officers and staff. The remedy lies in allowing only recognized political parties to contest elections and state funding through political parties.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshanji, you got my point. The devices are already in use in India that too at level of private detective agencies.These people just hire street people and give links of the targeted person and in return sharing each and every secrets of the targeted person without any fear.The use of these kind of devices are inhuman and violation of Human Rights,still our Govt. knowingly has allowed the use of such devices.The people who uses these devices do not fear for using such devices as they are protected by law which is created by Parliament.This kind of device is misused by Home Ministry people.
If the MPs and MLAs knowingly allow the use of such devices on every citizens of India,why not they use it on themselves.

The moment these MPs and MLAs will put under such surveillance then they will understand that how dangerous these gadgets are and the people who uses them.
Then only they definitely ban the use of such gadgets.

As far as cost of using such gadgets on MPs and MLAs is concerned, it will definitely be very less as just sitting at one place they can monitor anybody,wherever he/she maybe in this world. The cost is very less as compared to the scam of 1,76,000 cr.

The only drawback on use of this device is the kind of harassment the people who will be monitoring them will do with these people is unbelievable. It's like master and slave concept. And these politicians deserve it as they themselves have allowed the use of such devices on others,why not on themselves?
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