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Pradeep, it is not so much question of cost of the devices. The politicians oncluding ministers, MP,MLA have control on all activities. The remote devices will become another source of corruption as the persaons handling these devices will also get bribe.

Secondly, the politicians and bureaucrats have to be compulsorily corrupt. They spend heavy amount on election and after winning, the need to recover the poll expenses by unfair means. They involve bureaucracy also in this. There is no solution other than political reform including state funding of elections and limiting right to contest elections only to recognized political parties. Unless this is done, anything will not work.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshanji, even the recognized political parties have corrupted people. Allowing these recognized parties to fight election won't stop election. Even state funding of election will not stop these politicians from taking bribe. The money they took as bribe are not meant to be used for elections. For election purpose all political parties have fund raising department,where big businessman or even common man who support any party donate money in the name of party fund which is disclosed to everybody. Beside these also businessman pay huge money as bribe to get their work done and these money directly go into the pocket of the politicians, which can't be stopped unless they are compulsorily made under electronic surveillance.
Yes, this will make others powerful and they will blackmail these politicians. This is what is happening right now,the politicians, police,CBI, criminals,media,Judiciary all have form a nexus and are destroying the life every citizens.

This will go on in loop or in circle,i.e., to stop politicians from corruption we appoint Lokpal, then Lokpal will become corrupt and blackmail politicians. So to stop Lokpal from corruption we will appoint somebody else.This will go on and on......
I am sorry for my poor English. I can't communicate properly because of which I avoid forum section.
I think it should be permanent try to get success even they failed many time one time will get success.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Gulshanji, even the recognized political parties have corrupted people. Allowing these recognized parties to fight election won't stop election. Even state funding of election will not stop these politicians from taking bribe. The money they took as bribe are not meant to be used for elections. For election purpose all political parties have fund raising department,where big businessman or even common man who support any party donate money in the name of party fund which is disclosed to everybody. Beside these also businessman pay huge money as bribe to get their work done and these money directly go into the pocket of the politicians, which can't be stopped unless they are compulsorily made under electronic surveillance.
Yes, this will make others powerful and they will blackmail these politicians. This is what is happening right now,the politicians, police,CBI, criminals,media,Judiciary all have form a nexus and are destroying the life every citizens.

This will go on in loop or in circle,i.e., to stop politicians from corruption we appoint Lokpal, then Lokpal will become corrupt and blackmail politicians. So to stop Lokpal from corruption we will appoint somebody else.This will go on and on......
I am sorry for my poor English. I can't communicate properly because of which I avoid forum section.

I appreciate your views and expression. Your English is not poor but will become richer if you continue writing. I agree that state funding for elections is not a sure remedy for corruption. But if this is done, corrupt practice will not be unavoidable. Presently, even the most honest minded person has to indulge in corruption. Political and administrative reforms, judicial reforms and strenghtening investigative machinery, strict punishment all these measure need be taken. Combine affect of measures to fight corruption will help. Mere Lok Pal will not help.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hazare is hopeful of strong punishment for top corrupt officials. He also hopes that Bill will be passed early otherwise he will go again to Jantar Mantar for blackmailing tactics. He also mnakes a funny statement that P.M. is good but Sonia Gandhi is an obstacle as she remote controls. Very wonderful. He little realizes that his control is wholly unconstitutional whewreas Sonia Gandhi is head of ruling UPA alliance and she has right to control unlike usurper Hazare.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Anna Hazare group is disappointed as Government is not conceding to some of their demands like including higher judiciary and PM under Lok Pal probe.

It appears that so called 'civil society' members are living in a fools paradise and acting like Don Quig zot. They little realize that that are nothing but pawns in Congress game of sidetracking opposition parties, JPC and PAC. When Central Government does not bother about C&G, JPC and PAC, where do these 'civil society' members stand.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now Central Government is asking for views of state governments and opposition parties on the disputed issues in the LOK Pal Committee including 'civil society'. All this exercise looks funny when UPA does not give due regard to constitutional authorities like C&G, PAC, JPA and even parliament. The 'civil society' concept and members have been roped in just to undermine the authority of parliament and constitutional organizations.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

As against demand for 'strong' Lok Pal, there is a view in many circles that giving too many powers to Lok Pal will be counterproductive. A 'strong' Lok Pal overburdened with too much work/ cases and 'high expectations' will be crushed under own weight.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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