There is euphoria over Hazare's anti graft movement and his efforts to get Lok pal bill passed earlier.

But is there no mechanism already? See the link about existing legal provisions or mechanism. Also there is link about graft cases.

Apparently, there is no dearth of law and mechanism to fight corruption. what we need is national character. corruption is two way traffic. This enriches authority viz. bribe getter and provide some privilege or convenience to bribe giver. People are really more affected by inefficiency, adulteration in food and spurious drugs and commodities affecting health.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Hope we succeed in this fight of corruption, thanks for the link

Yes I too agree that only mechanism and provisions not going to help our cause for there already exists so many...we need something more than that in properly implementing them...
The root cause of corruption is the parliamentary system requiring huge expenditure on elections. candidates have to spend very high expenses to win elections. Nobody will spend from his own pocket. Hence, they indulge in corrupt malpractices. This they can do only with active support of bureaucrats. Here lies the basic cause of corruption. Remedy lies in changing this system. The steps needed are state funding of elections and restriction of participation in elections only by recognized political parties

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Anna Hazare is showing undue disregard to politicians and harping on so called civil society members. One member is shanti Bhushan, Ex law minister and thus active politician and considered as 'civil society member'. Secondly, even the Lok Pal Bill can be passed only by parliament consisting of politicians. Political work can be done only by politician. sooner Anna Hazare and his group understand this plain fact, better it will be.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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