Algae which is present at Gippsland Lakes in Eastern Victoria has property of luminescence.;_ylt=AuiFP9HawU3OlgXC.w_EVHEPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTE3djhiaHVhBHBvcwM1BHNlYwN5bl9zbGlkZXNob3cEc2xrA2Jpb2x1bWluZXNjZQ--

I am unable to provide the above link as it is more than 150 words,can anybody solve this.

Oh! the link is working perfectly.If,we have the preview tab, which was present earlier,I think posting at forum will be easier,specially posting with links.
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Bio luminescence is a property exhibited by some living organisms.Lighting up a shore is really magnificient.

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