How far labor unrest can go? Labor disputes are inevitable and these are also soluble. It is utterly shameful that this led to burning alive of steel plant chief in Orissa.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I know of a few such cases in West Bengal.In fact one of my acqauintance Late Goutam Ghosh who was the personnel manager of a Jute Mill was brutally murdered by the workers of the same mill. The militant trade unionism is the gift of the CITU - the labor wing of C.P.I(M).
[quote]I know of a few such cases in West Bengal.In fact one of my acqauintance Late Goutam Ghosh who was the personnel manager of a Jute Mill was brutally murdered by the workers of the same mill. The militant trade unionism is the gift of the CITU - the labor wing of C.P.I(M). [/quote]

This is indeed very disgusting and horrifying! Actually when working in any kind of environment, there should be a clean and healthy give-and-take relationship between the employees and employers! but greed and dishonesty and POLITICS of course, has ensured that there is no peace there!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Is this true? why people behave like this? this is really insane. i dont know what police or the government is doing to make these kind of issues public?
While I am all for ensuring a fair deal for the employees and workers but some political parties have hijacked their rights to allow their leaders to line their pocket at the cost of employees and workers!
Militant trade unionism has gone too far and human values are totally ignored. We are human beings first, anything else afterward. Any industrial unit needs management and labor both for smooth running. Most issues can be sorted out through negotiations. Even if workers have to resort to militant action, this should not be stretched to such callous inhuman murder. I agree with Chinmoy that left trade union especially CITU is mainly responsible for introducing this sort of inhumanity.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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