Thomas quits as CVC chairman after verdict by supreme Court that his appointment was illegal. This also reflects on character and efficiency of those responsible for the unlawful appointment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Thomas intends to challenge apex court Decision in a review petition. It is strange that the post of Chief vigilance commissioner is treated like any other post. CVC is ultimate authority to whom corruption cases are reported for investigation. It goes without saying that CVC should be beyond any shadow of blemish.

The Kerala chief Minister has claimed that he pursued the palmolein case involving Thomas.

The whole episode indicates that the ruling alliance at Center has no sense of propriety.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It transpires that appointment of Thomas as CVC was not unanimous. Sushma Swaraj, a member of parliamentary committee for appointments, had dissented. Now mamata banerjee has also distanced herself from the appointment. It is not understood why so called clean Prime Minister was so adamant on appointing Thomas as CVC.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The whole episode is an unsavory one and it's all the more unfortunate that Supreme Court has been compelled to intervene in matters which falls in the realm of the executive!
Chavan has distanced himself from the entire procedure of appointing CVC. The P.M. has pointed out to his role without specifically naming him.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sushma Swaraj treats matter on CVC appointment close after PM's statement. But Jaiteley feels otherwise. The party backs Jaitley and rejects sushma line.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

apparently, congress functions like chess game. The entire chess game is about saving king. As long as PM is safe, the party government is okay. As long as Party President is safe, party organization is okay. Chavan has now accepted responsibility to save Prime Minister. However, the Deptt of Personnel note makes it abundantly clear that chavan is dishonestly accepting responsibility for saving Prime Minister as in chess game.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In spite of his shameful misconduct and apparent loss of case by Union Government, the bureaucrat is still in aggressive mood. He intends to file review plea in apex court. Even a lay man knows that Chief Vigilance Commissioner should be one who is beyond any shadow of doubt about his integrity. But the former CVC thinks otherwise.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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