The Bombay high court today upheld the death sentence to Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab for his involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks that left 166 people dead.
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I dont understand why HC is taking this much of time for a decision and ultimately spending lot of money on him?
This is Indian government and nobody knows why they want to spend on such a unwanted issue where this money could be utilized for many other purpose...
This is a million dollar question. This shows the inefficient law and order in our country.
It has taken so much of time that does not speak well of our legal system!
I think kasab would get a normal death at the age of 98. The HC is wasting everyone's time and money. :angry: :angry:
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]I think kasab would get a normal death at the age of 98. The HC is wasting everyone's time and money. :angry: :angry:[/quote]

The High Court has upheld the death sentence. If Kasab does not appeal to supreme court, he will be hanged.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

According to High Court, Kasab's appeal against death sentence has no merit.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree. But everybody is much bothered about the number of trails going on. Why they can't hang him immediately?. Why he should be given options of appealing in supreme court?. Why he should be allowed to file mercy petition?.
i don't know how long will the government be dragging this issue, i feel he must be hanged immediately..
He should have hanged a long ago. He is being treated as one of the important guest of our country :angry: :angry:
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