The Sahara India Group Chairman, Subrata Roy is a troubled man and is facing an arrest warrant from a Delhi court. He is allegedly involved in a case of cheating and forgery in a housing project launched by his company.Here is the link,
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Nobody is above law. Business houses and corporate world commit many frauds and cheat on common people expecting to escape any punishment in current scenario that favors big money.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hard earned money of innocent people are now blocked in this useless housing project of the sahara group.
It is a common problem now that such scams and fraud are becoming a way to cheat people and i think housing projects have been more risky for commom man to venture.
Rajani K wrote:
[quote]It is a common problem now that such scams and fraud are becoming a way to cheat people and i think housing projects have been more risky for common man to venture.[/quote]

You may cheat people only by targeting their needs and weak point. Housing is a primary need and one can easily be cheated by housing scams. similarly astrologers cheat issue-less parents, unsuccessful businessmen, dull students.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

thank you for sharing the information keep posting more and more

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

according to me yes Sahara India group chairman facing arrest warrant in this time.
These guys should really hung to death and look how much innocent people money these people have looted and i feel like the government should cancel the sponsors from this group.

Because all the sporting dress has this name on it and it will not be nice if we play with that name.
It is a good trend that any one can be arrested irrespective of his money and position.

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