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Praise should make the child to fortify his self confidence and to build his inner strengths. Praise should not be taken as a bribe offered by the parents.


Thank you said by: epraneeth77

The each type of praise & antidote to it is presented, in the sense that for each praise a parent makes he is given the thought whether such praise is worthy to be given or not, as mentioned in All is Sweet talk & no Substance. He subtly hammers home the point by using specific term called "thoughtful encouragement" Also the point mentioned that praising is to be done in private is very realistic, atleast to the adolescent or teens where such private true praise will increase their performance.

Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!

usha manohar wrote:
epraneeth77 wrote:

Praising should be done so as to make the person feel acknowledge for his efforts & not to make him feel that he has performed exceedingly well. At each stage there is a different challenge & if a person overcomes it he should be praised economically & a pat on the back is sufficient. A good vision & direction are critical to any Individual, if that is present then no amount of praise can make him lose his track.


Good Vision & Direction - Examples Swami Vivekananda. Great Souls are undeterred by external praises & go on to work on the means like Sachin Tendulkar with his practice, passion, Dignity & Humility.

True, what is needed is encouragement more than anything rather than praise bordering on flattery which never helps..We need to make sure that youngsters do not lose their direction and become too full of their own self to the extent that they start looking down on others and become arrogant . Once such an attitude sets in it kills any scope for self improvement !

Indeed, becoming their own self & that making them to look down on others is the worst situation a human can be in. In this case the person who looks down on others loses his value & he also does not feel good. Everybody have their own experiences by which they act in a certain way & we are no one to belittle them or make them feel down. If we can help, we should, otherwise leave them untouched.

Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!

The very purpose of Praise is to acknowledge one's good deed that stands to a set of expectations. It should help in paving path to progress. Not a hindrance and blocks development. This applies to all be it a child or adult.


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