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Education or social standing does not seem to matter or make any difference when it comes to Mens attitude towards women, thats what seems to have happened between actress Preity Zinta and her former boyfriend businessman Ness Wadia.Preity has accused Ness of abusing and molesting her...

I was shocked when I read this nes in the news paper 'The Times of India" today. Where does the world go?

It's a wise step taken by Preity Zinta. Nobody is above law. ness Wadia is no exception.

Is the one who makes a complaint always right? More information is needed to come to a conclusion

CC footage clearly showed the misdeed of Ness Wadia. What more information you want?

Is it admissible in a court of law?

Had it been not admissible in the court of law, why do you think FIR was registered charging him for different offences under different clauses if IPC?

The latest news is that the Marine Drive police have not been able --"to get any crucial lead from the CCTV footage of the corporate stand of the Wankhede Stadium" and they are now going to record Zinta's statement. It seems to be a case of lovers quarrel gone bitter.

My response is based on the link provided in the thread.

My response is based on the news item put out by India Today at 14:34 pm today.

Ok. go ahead.

My only submission is that it is a lovers tiff gone horribly awry. No point in taking sides. Both are rich and capable of making their lawyers rich and giving media news for a few days.

I welcome your submission. Taking sides is my prerogative.

Agreed. Ness is in a 'Preity' mess.[/quote

Pretty good to hear you took the side of Preity. Anyhow that's your prerogative.

Just as all that glitters is not gold, all that named Preity is not pretty, ask Ness who is now in a mess.

Why ask Ness? it's Preitty obvious.

My goodNess a Preity reply.

I'm pretty elated.
Education or social standing does not seem to matter or make any difference when it comes to Mens attitude towards women, thats what seems to have happened between actress Preity Zinta and her former boyfriend businessman Ness Wadia.Preity has accused Ness of abusing and molesting her...

I was shocked when I read this nes in the news paper 'The Times of India" today. Where does the world go?

It's a wise step taken by Preity Zinta. Nobody is above law. ness Wadia is no exception.

Is the one who makes a complaint always right? More information is needed to come to a conclusion

CC footage clearly showed the misdeed of Ness Wadia. What more information you want?

Is it admissible in a court of law?

Had it been not admissible in the court of law, why do you think FIR was registered charging him for different offences under different clauses if IPC?

The latest news is that the Marine Drive police have not been able --"to get any crucial lead from the CCTV footage of the corporate stand of the Wankhede Stadium" and they are now going to record Zinta's statement. It seems to be a case of lovers quarrel gone bitter.

My response is based on the link provided in the thread.

My response is based on the news item put out by India Today at 14:34 pm today.

Ok. go ahead.

My only submission is that it is a lovers tiff gone horribly awry. No point in taking sides. Both are rich and capable of making their lawyers rich and giving media news for a few days.

I welcome your submission. Taking sides is my prerogative.

Agreed. Ness is in a 'Preity' mess.[/quote

Pretty good to hear you took the side of Preity. Anyhow that's your prerogative.

Just as all that glitters is not gold, all that named Preity is not pretty, ask Ness who is now in a mess.

Why ask Ness? it's Preitty obvious.

My goodNess a Preity reply.

I'm pretty elated.

I admire your fondness for pretty things.
Education or social standing does not seem to matter or make any difference when it comes to Mens attitude towards women, thats what seems to have happened between actress Preity Zinta and her former boyfriend businessman Ness Wadia.Preity has accused Ness of abusing and molesting her...

I was shocked when I read this nes in the news paper 'The Times of India" today. Where does the world go?

It's a wise step taken by Preity Zinta. Nobody is above law. ness Wadia is no exception.

Is the one who makes a complaint always right? More information is needed to come to a conclusion

CC footage clearly showed the misdeed of Ness Wadia. What more information you want?

Is it admissible in a court of law?

Had it been not admissible in the court of law, why do you think FIR was registered charging him for different offences under different clauses if IPC?

The latest news is that the Marine Drive police have not been able --"to get any crucial lead from the CCTV footage of the corporate stand of the Wankhede Stadium" and they are now going to record Zinta's statement. It seems to be a case of lovers quarrel gone bitter.

My response is based on the link provided in the thread.

My response is based on the news item put out by India Today at 14:34 pm today.

Ok. go ahead.

My only submission is that it is a lovers tiff gone horribly awry. No point in taking sides. Both are rich and capable of making their lawyers rich and giving media news for a few days.

I welcome your submission. Taking sides is my prerogative.

Agreed. Ness is in a 'Preity' mess.[/quote

Pretty good to hear you took the side of Preity. Anyhow that's your prerogative.

Just as all that glitters is not gold, all that named Preity is not pretty, ask Ness who is now in a mess.

Why ask Ness? it's Preitty obvious.

My goodNess a Preity reply.

I'm pretty elated.

I admire your fondness for pretty things.

While thanking you for your admiration, I'd like to suggest we should not drift away from the main thread.
I am shocked at the kind of attention this case which is at best a molestation and verbal case receiving with all womens group making noise because it is sutre to get them coverage...I sincerely wish Preity gets whatver is fair and just but we have hunfreds of rape and murder cases which hardly receive a few sentences in print and then it is forgotten . So some people are more equal in our country and when it has to do with the rich and famous, everyone sits up and take note !!! :dry: :unsure:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
I am shocked at the kind of attention this case which is at best a molestation and verbal case receiving with all womens group making noise because it is sutre to get them coverage...I sincerely wish Preity gets whatver is fair and just but we have hunfreds of rape and murder cases which hardly receive a few sentences in print and then it is forgotten . So some people are more equal in our country and when it has to do with the rich and famous, everyone sits up and take note !!! :dry: :unsure:

It's an undeniable truth that some are more equal in our country.this also brings in to focus about our society's dual tongued attitude .
In a study on rapes, some time back, it was found that anywhere up to 90% of rapes are committed by persons who are known to the rapists. It could be a close relation,neighbour, friend etc in whom the victim has confidence which is misused by the rapist. These rapes generally do not make news, though there are some exceptions especially if they are involving brutality or involve famous persons like the thread case. It is the focused rapes like in UP these days which are allegedly carried out by persons of a particular group to punish another usually a lower social class for some action of theirs which is resented by the rapists class. It is these rapes which are discussed and politicized.
In a study on rapes, some time back, it was found that anywhere up to 90% of rapes are committed by persons who are known to the rapists. It could be a close relation,neighbour, friend etc in whom the victim has confidence which is misused by the rapist. These rapes generally do not make news, though there are some exceptions especially if they are involving brutality or involve famous persons like the thread case. It is the focused rapes like in UP these days which are allegedly carried out by persons of a particular group to punish another usually a lower social class for some action of theirs which is resented by the rapists class. It is these rapes which are discussed and politicized.

In any way you look at the rape cases, it's exactly what Usha says that some are more equal who get a high profile coverage and exposure. A typical case of hypocrisy. Majority of the cases go unreported.
In a study on rapes, some time back, it was found that anywhere up to 90% of rapes are committed by persons who are known to the rapists. It could be a close relation,neighbour, friend etc in whom the victim has confidence which is misused by the rapist. These rapes generally do not make news, though there are some exceptions especially if they are involving brutality or involve famous persons like the thread case. It is the focused rapes like in UP these days which are allegedly carried out by persons of a particular group to punish another usually a lower social class for some action of theirs which is resented by the rapists class. It is these rapes which are discussed and politicized.

In any way you look at the rape cases, it's exactly what Usha says that some are more equal who get a high profile coverage and exposure. A typical case of hypocrisy. Majority of the cases go unreported.

But the malaise is not going to go away so soon. It is a social oppressive tool perfected since ages against women. Women have to be in the fore front -- men are weak in this fight.
In a study on rapes, some time back, it was found that anywhere up to 90% of rapes are committed by persons who are known to the rapists. It could be a close relation,neighbour, friend etc in whom the victim has confidence which is misused by the rapist. These rapes generally do not make news, though there are some exceptions especially if they are involving brutality or involve famous persons like the thread case. It is the focused rapes like in UP these days which are allegedly carried out by persons of a particular group to punish another usually a lower social class for some action of theirs which is resented by the rapists class. It is these rapes which are discussed and politicized.

In any way you look at the rape cases, it's exactly what Usha says that some are more equal who get a high profile coverage and exposure. A typical case of hypocrisy. Majority of the cases go unreported.

But the malaise is not going to go away so soon. It is a social oppressive tool perfected since ages against women. Women have to be in the fore front -- men are weak in this fight.[/quote

Its altogether a different proposition. Time will tell if this oppressive system is going to stay or go.
I am shocked at the kind of attention this case which is at best a molestation and verbal case receiving with all womens group making noise because it is sutre to get them coverage...I sincerely wish Preity gets whatver is fair and just but we have hunfreds of rape and murder cases which hardly receive a few sentences in print and then it is forgotten . So some people are more equal in our country and when it has to do with the rich and famous, everyone sits up and take note !!! :dry: :unsure:

While more genuine and more disturbing cases of women battered by husbands go unnoticed because there is nothing in them for these various groups and activists! I am sure Zinta too must have felt quite horrible being subjected to such insulting treatment in the public, no one deserves that at all, but how much worth is it to get so much attention??? They are both extremely rich and they are quite capable of taking care of themselves!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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