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Classic movies are the need of hour, movie makers should utilize more time on research works of screen play, actors are coming from actor families, this means that natural born actors are not getting chances, some film makers continue to do sensual films, some are producing films like anything, it is high time, India should concentrate on good movies.

Right now mediocrity is ruling the roost in the Tinsel world. "Make a quick movie and pocket the Bucks" is the norm here. I don't blame entirely the movie makers. We need a change in the viewers too.
Most of movies are done on the point of view of making black money to white, they do not care about audience choices, the same hero, who were 20 years back still getting movies despite series of flops.

Thank you said by: RobertP
Classic movies are the need of hour, movie makers should utilize more time on research works of screen play, actors are coming from actor families, this means that natural born actors are not getting chances, some film makers continue to do sensual films, some are producing films like anything, it is high time, India should concentrate on good movies.

Right now mediocrity is ruling the roost in the Tinsel world. "Make a quick movie and pocket the Bucks" is the norm here. I don't blame entirely the movie makers. We need a change in the viewers too.
Most of movies are done on the point of view of making black money to white, they do not care about audience choices, the same hero, who were 20 years back still getting movies despite series of flops.

Well said Mohan Manohar. But in Tamil film industry, we are getting good films from youngsters. Audience also give support to them. small budget but quality films.

Born to express, not to impress.
Classic movies are the need of hour, movie makers should utilize more time on research works of screen play, actors are coming from actor families, this means that natural born actors are not getting chances, some film makers continue to do sensual films, some are producing films like anything, it is high time, India should concentrate on good movies.

Right now mediocrity is ruling the roost in the Tinsel world. "Make a quick movie and pocket the Bucks" is the norm here. I don't blame entirely the movie makers. We need a change in the viewers too.
Most of movies are done on the point of view of making black money to white, they do not care about audience choices, the same hero, who were 20 years back still getting movies despite series of flops.

Well said Mohan Manohar. But in Tamil film industry, we are getting good films from youngsters. Audience also give support to them. small budget but quality films.

A good film always enjoys the support of the viewers. Unfortunately they are less in number.
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