We can never forget the Uttarakhand tragedy since it is a lesson for human beings on living life in harmony with nature ! Other than that I notice that this year the rains are much heavier than it ec=ver was. Here in Mangalore we have been having extremely heavy rains since th beginning and almost all the rivers are overflowing and flooding the fields and nearby houses ! It would be interesting to know about the fury of monsoon this year from different parts of the country from members here ...

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Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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We can never forget the Uttarakhand tragedy since it is a lesson for human beings on living life in harmony with nature ! Other than that I notice that this year the rains are much heavier than it ec=ver was. Here in Mangalore we have been having extremely heavy rains since th beginning and almost all the rivers are overflowing and flooding the fields and nearby houses ! It would be interesting to know about the fury of monsoon this year from different parts of the country from members here ...

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10764]}

Mansoon is not equally active. In my city today we have first rain of this monsoon. In these days very common that some part of small city have rain and another part have not any rain.
We can never forget the Uttarakhand tragedy since it is a lesson for human beings on living life in harmony with nature ! Other than that I notice that this year the rains are much heavier than it ec=ver was. Here in Mangalore we have been having extremely heavy rains since th beginning and almost all the rivers are overflowing and flooding the fields and nearby houses ! It would be interesting to know about the fury of monsoon this year from different parts of the country from members here ...

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10764]}

Mansoon is not equally active. In my city today we have first rain of this monsoon. In these days very common that some part of small city have rain and another part have not any rain.

So monsoon comes late to your state, I guess it may not rain as heavily as it normally des in coastal areas since the winds tend to lose some of the impact...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

From what I am hearing people back in my city it confirms that rains started earlier and are more active than previous years.

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Upsetting all the weather predictions, that the monsoon will be normal, AP witnessing unprecedented rains causing immense damage to the crops and property.
So it looks as if monsoon has been overactive this year like in 1974 when we had record rains and floods almost all over the country..In fact monsoon has broken its 53 year old record in Delhi..


Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

So it looks as if monsoon has been overactive this year like in 1974 when we had record rains and floods almost all over the country..In fact monsoon has broken its 53 year old record in Delhi..


every where in the country, and in the world too rains have broken most of the previous records. In our parts too, it has been raining continuously for the past three days, it has stopped only now. In Uttarakhand too, it has been raining quite heavily adding further to the miseries of people already affected by floods.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This year monsoon keep on playing some tricky game. As some part of our country receive heavy rainfall while other part still waiting for heavy rainfall.
This year monsoon keep on playing some tricky game. As some part of our country receive heavy rainfall while other part still waiting for heavy rainfall.

This year rains played havoc even in those regions where there used to be scanty rainfall earlier.
In this year, monsoon starts in the first week of June. Rainfall has been above normal in Maharashtra.

Be positive
Monsoon like other natural phenomenon is uncertain and unpredictable. We have no option but to accept this. all we need is alternative irrigation facilities in case of drought and flood control measures in even of excess rain.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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