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Certainly Ushaji, it looks great and peaceful. How lucky the people there might be to be in the vicinity of such a place!

That's right Abhijitji :) , however it is a pity that a place like srilanka which has a majority population of peace loving Buddhists had to undergo so much of ethnic violence in the past...

True! And we cannot also forget what the Talibanis did to the magnificent giant Buddha statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan! Ancient treasures of those statues are now lost forever because of fanaticism of a particular group of people!

I fail to understand how these people find pleasure in destruction. And that too of such ancient valuable statues, no way...

Religion blinds people and make them robots listening only to what their leaders feed them, good or bad, doesnt matter as long as they please their leaders.When you have suicide bombers who dont even care about their lives or those who are dependent on them what else can one expect?

What you said is sad but true. Religion indeed makes people blind and the heads should be visionaries to guide them better. Or else it is difficult to survive and wars become a likelihood.

Religion is a dual edged knife.How to use it is left to the individual who holds the knife.

But there are some people who use both the sides of the knife. It is difficult finding such people and believing them as well.
Certainly Ushaji, it looks great and peaceful. How lucky the people there might be to be in the vicinity of such a place!

That's right Abhijitji :) , however it is a pity that a place like srilanka which has a majority population of peace loving Buddhists had to undergo so much of ethnic violence in the past...

True! And we cannot also forget what the Talibanis did to the magnificent giant Buddha statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan! Ancient treasures of those statues are now lost forever because of fanaticism of a particular group of people!

I fail to understand how these people find pleasure in destruction. And that too of such ancient valuable statues, no way...

Religion blinds people and make them robots listening only to what their leaders feed them, good or bad, doesnt matter as long as they please their leaders.When you have suicide bombers who dont even care about their lives or those who are dependent on them what else can one expect?

What you said is sad but true. Religion indeed makes people blind and the heads should be visionaries to guide them better. Or else it is difficult to survive and wars become a likelihood.

Religion is a dual edged knife.How to use it is left to the individual who holds the knife.

But there are some people who use both the sides of the knife. It is difficult finding such people and believing them as well.

Its not about finding out a person who knows how to use the two edges of the knife he's holding. It's about the trend in the contemporary scenario.
In our country in Buddha goya there is a long Buddha statue.

Although Buddhism took its birth in India it has spread and become more popular in the far eastern countries and most of the world famous Buddha staues are found in those countries...I have uploaded a picture of the Buddha statue at Bodh Gaya...

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10443]}

This Buddha statue looks awesome. I Do not know in which states this statue is located. It would be useful if I get my question answered.

Born to express, not to impress.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
In our country in Buddha goya there is a long Buddha statue.

Although Buddhism took its birth in India it has spread and become more popular in the far eastern countries and most of the world famous Buddha staues are found in those countries...I have uploaded a picture of the Buddha statue at Bodh Gaya...

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10443]}

This Buddha statue looks awesome. I Do not know in which states this statue is located. It would be useful if I get my question answered.

I am enclosing a link which will give you all the relevant details of Bodh Gaya ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: RobertP
Really one of the amazing and such a wonderful statue.

One another image.

Monywa statue is a city in central Myanmar.It is a 433 feet in height.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10448]}

This statue makes me remember a statue of Thiruvalluvar - 133feet height statue which is located in the sea at Kanyakumari, Tamilnaadu (Vivekanandar Rock). This buddha statue looks like a golden statue. Thanks a lot Vaishnavi!

Born to express, not to impress.
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