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Looks to be the end of the word. Starting a new word THE.

Adding 'A' for making new word 'HEAT'...

Looks to be the end of the word. Starting a new word THE.

Adding 'A' for making new word 'HEAT'...

Adding an R to make it HEART

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Looks to be the end of the word. Starting a new word THE.

Adding 'A' for making new word 'HEAT'...

Adding an R to make it HEART

Adding Y to HEART to make a new word HEARTY.
Looks to be the end of the word. Starting a new word THE.

Adding 'A' for making new word 'HEAT'...

Adding an R to make it HEART

Adding Y to HEART to make a new word HEARTY.

Adding 'P' to make a new word 'THERAPY'..

Looks to be the end of the word. Starting a new word THE.

Adding 'A' for making new word 'HEAT'...

Adding an R to make it HEART

Adding Y to HEART to make a new word HEARTY.

Adding 'P' to make a new word 'THERAPY'..

Starting a new word ART

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Looks to be the end of the word. Starting a new word THE.

Adding 'A' for making new word 'HEAT'...

Adding an R to make it HEART

Adding Y to HEART to make a new word HEARTY.

Adding 'P' to make a new word 'THERAPY'..

Starting a new word ART

Looks to be the end of the word. Starting a new word THE.

Adding 'A' for making new word 'HEAT'...

Adding an R to make it HEART

Adding Y to HEART to make a new word HEARTY.

Adding 'P' to make a new word 'THERAPY'..

Starting a new word ART


Adding T. The new word formed is STARTS

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Adding T. The new word formed is STARTS

Adding T. The new word formed is STARTS


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