12 years ago
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12 years ago
China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp plans to build 2749 ft, World’s tallest sky scraper in Just 3 months.
Knowing the chinese they may well do it and show the world, but what is the hurry and that too when it is such a huge building.. Burj Khalifa , the tallest building as of now took almost 5 years to build...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp plans to build 2749 ft, World’s tallest sky scraper in Just 3 months.
Knowing the chinese they may well do it and show the world, but what is the hurry and that too when it is such a huge building.. Burj Khalifa , the tallest building as of now took almost 5 years to build...
May be an intention to set a record in building sphere.
12 years ago
China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp plans to build 2749 ft, World’s tallest sky scraper in Just 3 months.
Knowing the chinese they may well do it and show the world, but what is the hurry and that too when it is such a huge building.. Burj Khalifa , the tallest building as of now took almost 5 years to build...
Chinese are in a hurry to prove their economic and scientific development to the world by resorting to such deeds.
12 years ago
Chinese are also growing very much. They are way ahead from india in all the fields.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp plans to build 2749 ft, World’s tallest sky scraper in Just 3 months.
Knowing the chinese they may well do it and show the world, but what is the hurry and that too when it is such a huge building.. Burj Khalifa , the tallest building as of now took almost 5 years to build...
May be an intention to set a record in building sphere.
China want to show that they are growing to the position of No.1
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp plans to build 2749 ft, World’s tallest sky scraper in Just 3 months.
They are growing at a very good speed. They want to show to the world that impossible could be possible.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
China is not known for its quality products nor its workmanship, earlier they had a bridge collapsing soon after its completion , I hope they proceed with caution this time...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Chinese are also growing very much. They are way ahead from india in all the fields.
Well Said Ronark. I wonder how they produce much products. Whenever we go to market to purchase things, we find a lot of Chinese products. Why can't we and why don't we?
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp plans to build 2749 ft, World’s tallest sky scraper in Just 3 months.
Chinese and japanese can do anything. They had that talent. I think they want to create records.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
12 years ago
China’s Broad Sustainable Building Corp plans to build 2749 ft, World’s tallest sky scraper in Just 3 months.
Chinese and japanese can do anything. They had that talent. I think they want to create records.
We have multi faceted personalities all over the world. But we do not take any initiatives to create records. Even if we take initiatives, we are not being properly motivated or helped. Rather we get discouraged by others.
Born to express, not to impress.
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