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12 years ago
What a touching story! Yes animals have feelings too and the story may be true :unsure:
Its 100 % true happening that happened in Hong Kong.
are you at Hong Kong in front of that animal to say so. :woohoo: :woohoo:
I think, that cow brain washed you with a sad story. it's called emotional blackmailing ;) ;)
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9289]}
My My .... how you knew?I thought nobody was around.l o you were hiding in the cowshed?
12 years ago
It is strange as it behaved like a human by weeping.. I think animals have their own way to exhibit pain and emotions which humans can not understand.. However the way to kill them by slaughter house is disgusting
Strange things do happen. That's why it has become news
I am not surprise that it became news as now-a-days anything can be highlighted in news headlines.. but the strange thing here is that it is able to behave like human.. not all animals can exhibit it...
12 years ago
Awww this is really so heart touching. .. :dry: I read this quote somewhere that I really found worth giving a good thought " If slaughter houses had glass walls everybody would have been pure vegetarian".
Live in the present :)
12 years ago
What a touching story! Yes animals have feelings too and the story may be true :unsure:
Its 100 % true happening that happened in Hong Kong.
are you at Hong Kong in front of that animal to say so. :woohoo: :woohoo:
I think, that cow brain washed you with a sad story. it's called emotional blackmailing ;) ;)
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9289]}
My My .... how you knew?I thought nobody was around.l o you were hiding in the cowshed?
No..not at all
but seeing your pity face, I feel so ;) ;)
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
What a touching story! Yes animals have feelings too and the story may be true :unsure:
Its 100 % true happening that happened in Hong Kong.
are you at Hong Kong in front of that animal to say so. :woohoo: :woohoo:
I think, that cow brain washed you with a sad story. it's called emotional blackmailing ;) ;)
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9289]}
My My .... how you knew?I thought nobody was around.l o you were hiding in the cowshed?
No..not at all
but seeing your pity face, I feel so ;) ;)
That pity face was that of the Bull's,
12 years ago
What a touching story! Yes animals have feelings too and the story may be true :unsure:
Its 100 % true happening that happened in Hong Kong.
are you at Hong Kong in front of that animal to say so. :woohoo: :woohoo:
I think, that cow brain washed you with a sad story. it's called emotional blackmailing ;) ;)
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9289]}
My My .... how you knew?I thought nobody was around.l o you were hiding in the cowshed?
No..not at all
but seeing your pity face, I feel so ;) ;)
That pity face was that of the Bull's,
bull or cow...everything comes under cattle...
am not referring Tharoor's Cattle class ;)
Meera sandhu
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