12 years ago
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12 years ago
Oh its strange to see but anyhow animals or human beings every one fear with death. But this is strange case of how a bull showed its emotion. :blink:
12 years ago
Oh its strange to see but anyhow animals or human beings every one fear with death. But this is strange case of how a bull showed its emotion. :blink:
It seems fear of death is common to all. May be the display varies from species to species
12 years ago
Oh this is first time I am seeing such about an animal wept for mercy.
12 years ago
Oh its strange to see but anyhow animals or human beings every one fear with death. But this is strange case of how a bull showed its emotion. :blink:
It seems fear of death is common to all. May be the display varies from species to species
Yes this is strange as I have not seen/heard of any animal showing emotions in such a way. :blink:
12 years ago
Oh this is first time I am seeing such about an animal wept for mercy.
The fear may not be same in all. But a goat displays in a bleating that shows its fear
12 years ago
reading the first part, i became upset.
now, am perfectly fine knowing what happened later
now, am perfectly fine knowing what happened later
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
reading the first part, i became upset.
now, am perfectly fine knowing what happened later
What might have happened? Let me now.
12 years ago
reading the first part, i became upset.
now, am perfectly fine knowing what happened later
What might have happened? Let me now.
i will get upset with such stories and remain disturbed for the whole day. am a light hearten person you know :cheer:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
reading the first part, i became upset.
now, am perfectly fine knowing what happened later
What might have happened? Let me now.
i will get upset with such stories and remain disturbed for the whole day. am a light hearten person you know :cheer:
Sorry Sandhya, for creating turbulence in your heart. Forget all and be cheerful
12 years ago
reading the first part, i became upset.
now, am perfectly fine knowing what happened later
What might have happened? Let me now.
i will get upset with such stories and remain disturbed for the whole day. am a light hearten person you know :cheer:
Sorry Sandhya, for creating turbulence in your heart. Forget all and be cheerful
but it's told he was spared. so, am happy you know :woohoo: :woohoo:
Meera sandhu
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