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12 years ago
Morning walk is really good for health. Due to this many advantages are there. Have any one heard about walking with bare feet.
You can see walking with bare feet only in villages. In towns, it is not possible.
I agree with you Sasikanth. Since I don't know much about other states, I said like this. Hope this clarifies.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
It's just my opinion. I have reached this conclusion after watching my friends and people around me. :evil:
I always feel that women are more influenced by religions and religious thoughts. :whistle: Also, they are more interested in visit to temples and churches, comparing to men. Do you agree with me? :cheer: :cheer:
As far as Tamilnadu is concerned, more than 95% of women are too religious.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
fasting also more women only doing. very rare cases men.
12 years ago
But in Islam religion even men also have do fasting in the month of Ramjan month
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
It's just my opinion. I have reached this conclusion after watching my friends and people around me. :evil:
I always feel that women are more influenced by religions and religious thoughts. :whistle: Also, they are more interested in visit to temples and churches, comparing to men. Do you agree with me? :cheer: :cheer:
It's only due to an Eve's religious traits, Puja material industry is thriving. A typical woman is not only religious, superstitious too.
12 years ago
I think it's not gender-specific. Here I would prefer two terms 'religious' and 'religiose' .The scenario today is very different from it was some decades back. With the light of education penetrating the educated minds of women today, they are quite capable of taking a rational stand and of forming their own enlightened perception on the issue. Religiosity would always produce bigotry and worse irrespective of gender.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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