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12 years ago
Royal Bengal Tiger is now only in Sunder ban in west Bengal but Cheetah is in many place . It is better to get the idea to go a zoo and you can disguise in eye visit.
12 years ago
I will leave the house for the tiger. :laugh:
Recently I read a case where a man who had a fight with her wife went to the zoo and jumped in the lions territory. The result was the lions came out of their cage and pounced on him injuring him baldy.
Recently I read a case where a man who had a fight with her wife went to the zoo and jumped in the lions territory. The result was the lions came out of their cage and pounced on him injuring him baldy.
Live in the present :)
12 years ago
Most important is that do not panic or run away. any wile animal will be scared and may injure you, if you make noise and show uneasiness. Just leave the place slowly and report to nearest police station, fire department and forest authorities. They will do the job.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
I will try to get place where tiger can not reach or will try some thing else as per available resorces.
Santosh Kumar Singh
12 years ago
I will try to get place where tiger can not reach or will try some thing else as per available resorces.
then climb a tree ;)
I hope tiger won't catch you :cheer: :cheer:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I have no idea kalyani, both leopard and cheetha are look same. that day everyone screeming it is cheetah. so i felt it is cheetah and even in newspaper also they mentioned it is cheetah. anyway, visits of cheetah in my home city is not a new thing as my city is fully surrounded by hills
See my above post, there are obvious differences between the two, the spots are also quite different. There are some species of Asiatic Cheetah but I doubt if they even exist now!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
I will run away for sure. if tiger visits to my home.
12 years ago
I will run away for sure. if tiger visits to my home.
The tiger may find you. So better ride the tiger on his back. He will not be able to see you. I remember a song:
Young lady of Riga
rode a tiger
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
That much courage I don't have for ride . I very much fear tiger.
12 years ago
Has anyone seen the old movie Two Brothers? It is based on a pair of tiger cubs who get separated during their childhood and then later reunite as adults when they are brought in front of each other to fight. Beautiful movie!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
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