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[quote]Sandhya Rani wrote:
But it's can't find things even in front of his eyes and ladies can't memorize route maps easily.
It's because, from early times itself, men used to hunt for the family while women look after kids. So, men have a long vision comparing to woman and ladies are able to find things easily, when they are placed near them

Yes this proves that women have better eyesight than men have, although this is not true for every women when it comes to being brainy! Some are fractionally better, rest will soon be a little better than they are right now. :laugh: :laugh: :evil:

Actually, this is not related to eyesight but the part of brain that processes certain informations, like where a very fine hand is required such as sewing, knitting, embroidering jobs, women's brains are developed in those areas where men's are. Same logic applies to finding small objects which women can and men cannot. They see those objects but their brains do not recognize them.

Because their brain is working on more complicated issues. :lol: But yes some women can think as good as men can, there is no doubt about that. :cheer: (I must play safe) :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: No but it is true! That is why you will see a woman can do multitasking easily whereas a man can never multitask, with some exceptions of course!![/quote]

Come on I am on 7 sites simultaneously and working on all of them. (I hope I have not broken a site's rule mentioning other sites here) :woohoo: :lol:

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But biologically men are more intelligent than women.. By birth.. it depends upon the weight of their brain.. and men usually have their brains weighter than women..

On what is this based saranya ? Is there any scientific research to prove this point ? Can you please substantiate this ? Are you basing your assumption on Darwin's theory ? I have given the link below...quite interesting material in there :huh:

The article is very interesting and to me, a bit disturbing too. He was very much biased wasn't he? comparing women's brains to children and animals?? :angry: I think, at heart he must be a racist too! I think I just lost my respect for Darwin!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

But biologically men are more intelligent than women.. By birth.. it depends upon the weight of their brain.. and men usually have their brains weighter than women..

On what is this based saranya ? Is there any scientific research to prove this point ? Can you please substantiate this ? Are you basing your assumption on Darwin's theory ? I have given the link below...quite interesting material in there :huh:

The article is very interesting and to me, a bit disturbing too. He was very much biased wasn't he? comparing women's brains to children and animals?? :angry: I think, at heart he must be a racist too! I think I just lost my respect for Darwin!!

nothing like that he was a real son of a monkey who could not think beyond that. :evil:

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Men or women.....who really make use of his/her brain will become intelligent :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Men or women.....who really make use of his/her brain will become intelligent :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Really!!! and I was saving it hoping it would give me some interest if I keep it in saving mode.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Men or women.....who really make use of his/her brain will become intelligent :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Really!!! and I was saving it hoping it would give me some interest if I keep it in saving mode.

Then lock it in some locker. Thieves are wandering around!!!! you may not get the opportunity to use them :S :S :S

Meera sandhu
But biologically men are more intelligent than women.. By birth.. it depends upon the weight of their brain.. and men usually have their brains weighter than women..

On what is this based saranya ? Is there any scientific research to prove this point ? Can you please substantiate this ? Are you basing your assumption on Darwin's theory ? I have given the link below...quite interesting material in there :huh:

The article is very interesting and to me, a bit disturbing too. He was very much biased wasn't he? comparing women's brains to children and animals?? :angry: I think, at heart he must be a racist too! I think I just lost my respect for Darwin!!

nothing like that he was a real son of a monkey who could not think beyond that.[/b] :evil:

But look at the impact it has on people ! they consider it as gospel truth and go by it.The same goes for our Manu Smriti which is even worse.He says that women should never be left to do anything by themselves since they can never do anything well ! At every stage they need the assistance of a man - Father,brothers,Husband and sons ... :angry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Men or women.....who really make use of his/her brain will become intelligent :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Really!!! and I was saving it hoping it would give me some interest if I keep it in saving mode.

Then lock it in some locker. Thieves are wandering around!!!! you may not get the opportunity to use them :S :S :S

I am keeping it in saving account, locker is not free besides I am getting some interest on my deposits. :lol:

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Men or women.....who really make use of his/her brain will become intelligent :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Really!!! and I was saving it hoping it would give me some interest if I keep it in saving mode.

Then lock it in some locker. Thieves are wandering around!!!! you may not get the opportunity to use them :S :S :S

I am keeping it in saving account, locker is not free besides I am getting some interest on my deposits. :lol:

Take care!!
Pests like cricket and lice may attack it :P :P

Meera sandhu
[quote]Sandhya Rani wrote:
But it's can't find things even in front of his eyes and ladies can't memorize route maps easily.
It's because, from early times itself, men used to hunt for the family while women look after kids. So, men have a long vision comparing to woman and ladies are able to find things easily, when they are placed near them

Yes this proves that women have better eyesight than men have, although this is not true for every women when it comes to being brainy! Some are fractionally better, rest will soon be a little better than they are right now. :laugh: :laugh: :evil:

Actually, this is not related to eyesight but the part of brain that processes certain informations, like where a very fine hand is required such as sewing, knitting, embroidering jobs, women's brains are developed in those areas where men's are. Same logic applies to finding small objects which women can and men cannot. They see those objects but their brains do not recognize them.

Because their brain is working on more complicated issues. :lol: But yes some women can think as good as men can, there is no doubt about that. :cheer: (I must play safe) :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: No but it is true! That is why you will see a woman can do multitasking easily whereas a man can never multitask, with some exceptions of course!!

Come on I am on 7 sites simultaneously and working on all of them. (I hope I have not broken a site's rule mentioning other sites here) :woohoo: :lol:[/quote]

Not at all! Mentioning you work on other sites is not an issue unless you start advertising your referral links Here!

But to the topic, you are not multitasking because you write one article at a time. When I am here on forums, I may have certain other things going on at the same time. Usually, I have something on the gas stove cooking or something in my oven, making a list or something similar. That is multitasking!! :laugh: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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