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13 years ago
Some beliefs though categorized as superstitious, have scientific explanations.
It's said, 9 month pregnant lady and new born kid should never stay out at 'Sandhya' and flying birds should never pass them.
This can be scientifically explained as "Safety of pregnant ladies and young ones from night/dark, snow etc....Someone has made such a statement." Isn't it?
Whatever comes out of litmus test of scientific inquiry ceases to be a superstition, it becomes a scientific truth! All superstitions never meet this test successfully!
13 years ago
Some beliefs though categorized as superstitious, have scientific explanations.
It's said, 9 month pregnant lady and new born kid should never stay out at 'Sandhya' and flying birds should never pass them.
This can be scientifically explained as "Safety of pregnant ladies and young ones from night/dark, snow etc....Someone has made such a statement." Isn't it?
Whatever comes out of litmus test of scientific inquiry ceases to be a superstition, it becomes a scientific truth! All superstitions never meet this test successfully!
I have found many such sayings by our ancestors, which have support of explanations. But I forget it all.
Pregnant ladies can't go to temple after 6 months.
It may be because old people thought, if she go in the rush (crowdy temples), both she and her kid may get injury or something like that. Isn't it?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
But i never heard of it. Many of my aunts went to temple when they are pregnant.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Some beliefs though categorized as superstitious, have scientific explanations.
It's said, 9 month pregnant lady and new born kid should never stay out at 'Sandhya' and flying birds should never pass them.
This can be scientifically explained as "Safety of pregnant ladies and young ones from night/dark, snow etc....Someone has made such a statement." Isn't it?
Whatever comes out of litmus test of scientific inquiry ceases to be a superstition, it becomes a scientific truth! All superstitions never meet this test successfully!
I have found many such sayings by our ancestors, which have support of explanations. But I forget it all.
Pregnant ladies can't go to temple after 6 months.
It may be because old people thought, if she go in the rush (crowdy temples), both she and her kid may get injury or something like that. Isn't it?
For example, most illiterate and superstitious vehicle drivers suddenly jam on the brakes whenever a cat crosses their path actually to court accidents!!!
13 years ago
chinamoy can you please explain the relation between the pregnant lady example and the example you have give. what relation is there, why you have given this example
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
chinamoy can you please explain the relation between the pregnant lady example and the example you have give. what relation is there, why you have given this example
It's obvious enough to a discerning observer that the relation is exactly the opposite!
13 years ago
But i never heard of it. Many of my aunts went to temple when they are pregnant.
Just ask them.....
can't go after 6 months pregnancy. :unsure:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Kids are not taken to temple till they reach 6 months, as it's believed they are divine. Taken only after Chorunu at temple.
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Hi all:-)
well..superstitions can even be helpful!..especially in curing certain diseases..for eg:- people tie some sacred thread in their hand to get cure from skin warts and miraculously many gets cured..reinforcing the belief..
Here the truth is..when you tie a band you starts believing that it wil cure the wart.Gradually this positive feeling in the mind can actually be converted to a physical phenomenon and it can bring changes to the body.
To be more specific...Skin and nerves develop from same source(same layer in embryo).So a positive mind can bring about a healthy skin!!
well..superstitions can even be helpful!..especially in curing certain diseases..for eg:- people tie some sacred thread in their hand to get cure from skin warts and miraculously many gets cured..reinforcing the belief..
Here the truth is..when you tie a band you starts believing that it wil cure the wart.Gradually this positive feeling in the mind can actually be converted to a physical phenomenon and it can bring changes to the body.
To be more specific...Skin and nerves develop from same source(same layer in embryo).So a positive mind can bring about a healthy skin!!
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
In this world everything is superstitions. So what ever elder say there will be some scientific and superstitions reason behind
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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