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Thats why we people should make people aware of them about the things which are damaging the atmosphere and what are those damages, what they result

day by day we are falling in a worst situation due to increase in pollution but no one bother about that.

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Every one are in hurry their lives to bother about pollution and to stop pollution.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Government need to take few good steps in reducing pollution, otherwise, life would be more difficult.

Want to make each day Accountable

Government is always busy in corruption and in unecessary things. So we citizens only should take some steps

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Air pollution creating eye problems. The problems that are created by air pollution are burning eyes and nose. Air pollution also damages the ozone layer. ozone layer protecting us from the very harmful ultraviolet rays.
Not only Government we have some duties to reduce the pollution. We have to do those duties.
As an human being with brains it is our utmost duty to do our bit to control poolution. There are so many day to day practices that can help in curbing pollution. Small steps taken by each individual will make a big difference indeed. :)

Live in the present :)
Pollution affects a lot to our country.Due to severe growth of pollution people becomes ill.Our air gets polluted.But we are also responsible for this.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Pollution is increasing day by day.In some where we are also responsible for this.We are also responsible for pollution.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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