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If we plant a tree every month and take care of it, at a unit level at least we would be able to contribute to the solution to the problem

Planting trees is difficult as i Delhi i don't find a place to plant but what should we do is not to allow anyone to break them as i have seen people cut them to make building or for some other uses which is bad. :evil:
So if we cant fix it, let's just stop it happening from our side. stop the use of plastic bags. minimal use of petrol and diseal.
Yes i do it i always try to use public transport and try not to use plastic bags but can't stop it fully as plastic bags are the best thing to use for carrying things. :)
When the petrol is stopped the control of pollution will be under control.

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Government should check the population of vehicals in the city so that the use of petrol/diesel can be minimised. :whistle:
It must be banned so that it will get it in to control only minnimum time is in our hands now. We must save this by concentrating on natural resources.

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Natural resouces are being destroyed by us and our deeds and if this continues i feel what would be left for our next generation. :)
Government should check the population of vehicals in the city so that the use of petrol/diesel can be minimised. :whistle:

If only they listen to you they will find another way of making money. Pollution wont go down but they will fill their pockets.

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That's true but we have to make rules and must emphasis if they are being followed religiously.May be if Lok pal bill is implemented we would be able to see better India. :)
They would never let you have any bill/law that serves your purpose, they do every thing according to their own choice and design.

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