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13 years ago
Lat time, when i talked to Swetha, she told that I have improved very much. It's really a great compliment for me. Yes, first step lies in our strong determination and second one, freeing our mind from fear.
What's the third one?
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8402]}
13 years ago
Lat time, when i talked to Swetha, she told that I have improved very much. It's really a great compliment for me. Yes, first step lies in our strong determination and second one, freeing our mind from fear.
What's the third one?
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8402]}
Just practise it :P :P
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Funny Resume Tit- bits
OBJECTIVE: "To wake up in the morning and shout 'I can't wait to get to work!'"
Which must thrill his wife every Sunday morning.
LANGUAGES: "Fluent in English. Also I have been heard muttering Gibberish in my sleep."
Was that offered in your foreign language curriculum?
JOB DESCRIPTION: "Soul IT support for total of 100 users."
Technician and spiritual advisor.
COVER LETTER: "Please find my resume."
When did you lose it?
SKILLS: "I have integrity so I will not steal office supplies and take them home."
Good to know.
SKILLS: "I have technical skills that will take your breath away."
We're waiting ...
OBJECTIVE: "To wake up in the morning and shout 'I can't wait to get to work!'"
Which must thrill his wife every Sunday morning.
LANGUAGES: "Fluent in English. Also I have been heard muttering Gibberish in my sleep."
Was that offered in your foreign language curriculum?
JOB DESCRIPTION: "Soul IT support for total of 100 users."
Technician and spiritual advisor.
COVER LETTER: "Please find my resume."
When did you lose it?
SKILLS: "I have integrity so I will not steal office supplies and take them home."
Good to know.
SKILLS: "I have technical skills that will take your breath away."
We're waiting ...
Swetha Shenoy
12 years ago
This thread back in action!!
missing Chinmayjee a lot.......once again....
missing Chinmayjee a lot.......once again....
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Ha ha ha!! Swetha, those are great ones, I wonder if any of them managed to land a job! :laugh:
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
[quote]Whether to learn it or not is one's personal choice but whatever one wants to learn must be driven by a desire to do well - if not excel!
True, and yet the desire to learn and improve is what is seen lacking in many.[/quote]
Very true ! English though spoken by many in our country , most learn it only after they start going to school and pick up what is being taught at school and through friends...So it is not easy to speak fluent English without practice and also without a desire to better ourselves and do well.This is true of any learning - unless you strike at doing your best , you can at best be mediocre..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Yes speaking and practicing will help to speak fluently, First we should start with small sentences.
12 years ago
I Studied in Tamil medium so I am very much fear about speaking in English.
:( :( :(
Better shed the fear and speak in English without hesitation.
I suggest use small sentence only. This will help you.
Let me redraft your post as under:
I studied through Tamil medium. So I fear speaking in English.
Mary, My medium of instruction was Tamil up to my 12th standard. But I never feel shy or hesitated or affraid to talk in english. We know how to speak grammatically in Tamil . In the similar way We have to speak in English. Correct usage of tense plays a vital role. Making error in english is not a big issue because that is not our mother tongue.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
I Studied in Tamil medium so I am very much fear about speaking in English.
:( :( :(
Better shed the fear and speak in English without hesitation.
I suggest use small sentence only. This will help you.
Let me redraft your post as under:
I studied through Tamil medium. So I fear speaking in English.
Mary, My medium of instruction was Tamil up to my 12th standard. But I never feel shy or hesitated or afraid to talk in English. We know how to speak grammatically in Tamil . In the similar way We have to speak in English. Correct usage of tense plays a vital role. Making error in English is not a big issue because that is not our mother tongue.
Error is an issue but it is better to speak in English without fear or hesitation. Initially, there is difficulty and mistakes but later improvement sets in. If you fear drowning, you cannot learn swimming.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
I Studied in Tamil medium so I am very much fear about speaking in English.
:( :( :(
Better shed the fear and speak in English without hesitation.
I suggest use small sentence only. This will help you.
Let me redraft your post as under:
I studied through Tamil medium. So I fear speaking in English.
Mary, My medium of instruction was Tamil up to my 12th standard. But I never feel shy or hesitated or afraid to talk in English. We know how to speak grammatically in Tamil . In the similar way We have to speak in English. Correct usage of tense plays a vital role. Making error in English is not a big issue because that is not our mother tongue.
Error is an issue but it is better to speak in English without fear or hesitation. Initially, there is difficulty and mistakes but later improvement sets in. If you fear drowning, you cannot learn swimming.
What Gulshan ji said is absolutely right. To learn any language, Hesitation/shy/fear are the real barriers.
Born to express, not to impress.
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