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This is really interesting.Thanks for sharing the information with us.
On 23rd August Mamata Banerjee announced we may keep the both names-Pashimbanga and West bengal ,like India and Bharat.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
On 23rd August Mamata Banerjee announced we may keep the both names-Pashimbanga and West bengal,like India and Bharat.

Very interesting suggestion indeed. One name for internal purpose in the state and another for outsiders. Then Pachmimbanga will be used for communication with districts by the state government. But West Bengal will be used for correspondence with other states and center. This may also require using both names on letter heads of West Bengal alias Paschimbanga. This suggestion can also be accepted for Chhenia alis Madras, Calcutta alias Kolkata and Bombay alias Mumbai.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

how it can be a good name if we change the name that changes the old sense of name then it will have some mean otherwise it is of no use.
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