West Bengal is to be renamed as Paschimbanga. Many are disappointed. They feel that this is just a translation of West Bengal. They expected some better name.

It is surprising why 'Paschim' or 'west' is included. Many feel that it reminds that once Bengal was united. However, Punjab was also divided. But we have 'Punjab' and not 'East Punjab' though the western side of Punjab is in Pakistan.

Perhaps Bangabhoomi would be best.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I couldnt understand why a new name is need when alredy the name is there. :huh:
I couldnt understand why a new name is need when alredy the name is there. :huh:

This is an attempt to shed the British legacy. The names of cities and provinces were spelled and pronounced to suit the British. Aftere independence many changes have been made. Cawnpore changed to Kanpur, Benaras to Varanasi, Madras to Chennai, Nuutra to Mathura etc. Calcutta was also changed to Kolkatta, Bombay to Mumbai.

So, Bengalis want a change. Banga is more bengali than Bengal.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

West Bengal has been renamed is truely a good news. It should have been done before when Calcutta was renamed as Kolkata. Paschim Banga is good name. It is logically correct.
Good news indeed, although I prefer Bangabhoomi than Paschimbanga, though that would do too! These names really sound more Bengali than West Bengal!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I don't understand why the old names are been changed in every state


PSHIMBANGA is a good name. But I also agree with Gulshanji the name BANGABHUMI would be bettr.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The name Paschimbanga is okayed only by Bengali speaking but there are many non Bengali speaking who think otherwise. They want some other name that would recognize non bengali content in West Bengal.

But they ignore that Bengal is basically Bengal and any outsider residents there cannot change the linguistic character. There are many non Marathi people in Mumbai and yet the state is known as Maharashtra. similarly, Punjab retains the name despite many non punjabis there. Hence 'Banga' has to be in any name- Bangabhoomi or Paschimbang.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am unable to comprehend this mad and illogical exercise!!
West Bengal becoming Paschimbenga.I think there is no difference in name then as we in Malayalam calls already it Paschimabengal.

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What is so significant about Banga. Many would prefer 'Bengali' or 'bengal' more.

Banga is more appropriate to identity of region. The national anthem also includes 'banga'


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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