Is Rahul Gandhi capable of becoming the next Prime minister of India, his popularity is rising day by day also he is youth icon. Is he really interested to be the next one. Will it be a boon for us if he become?
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I wish he becomes the next Prime minister, he is really a through gentleman with a great personality....
And he is really popular among youth...
Congress main aim is to groom Rahul Gandhi so as to attain the position of Prime Minister.Basically he should have the interest to become a leader. :)
Let the people of India decide it when the times comes!
Yes, as chinmoy said the people of India and he himself should decide whether he is capable of being a prime minister. :)
Just because he is popular amonmg youth does not mean he can be a good leader! He has already exhibited his immaturity on several occasions by making irresponsible statements. Also, when are going to look beyind the Gandhis?

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani you have hit the nail right on its head!Why this mad romanticization of this family!The myth that only this family can provide leadership has been exploded with Late P.V.Narasimha Rao and A.B.Vajpayee long ago! A person who has to see the condition of the impoversihed masses of the country with Z-category security and the media people following him can hardly be considered to be a leader!And what has he achieved for his party leave alone the country!
Chinmoy, thanks for agreeing to my views otherwise the entire country, even sensible people seem to be completely taken by his good looks and phoney sweet talks!

Recent corruption charges against Kalmadi has enraged a multitude of people but what about the corruption by Ms. Sonia Gandhi herself. She is the one who is encouraging corruption on horrifying scales amongst the party, taking unimaginably large cuts for herself from the congress leaders all over India. Unless the Gandhi family is not rmeoved completely from the Indian political scenario, the wide gap among the economical sections is going to increase further. Its time to bypass the Gandhis!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This was discussed here months ago.

Still as Kalyani said popularity does not make a man suitable for such a high position.If so many others will also come on the way.It is the total maturity and ability that is required.Congress may make him a PM , but at this age it may be a disaster.

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I think this family is solely responsible for the dangerous and illogical culture of promoting ruling families! Laloo Prasad thinks he and his family have the divine mandate to rule Bihar,Mulayam also believes in that.In the South Karunanidhi and his family have entrenched themselves! There should be a white paper how much this poor nation has been made to pay to buy leaders from this family.Sonia Gandhi's very postion as Chairperson of UPA is extra-constitutional.In fact she is the de facto Prime Minister enjoying enormous powers without obligations!
I completely agree that people should atleast now become sensiable in selecting a good leader instead of successor from one political family...We have already seen Sonia gandhi in politics and PM positin is not a child game to elect Rahul aaas PM,who doesnt have experience.
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