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My husband has installed it yesterday. I was no where there. So I don't know, he has made any changes in settings.
Now, it is appearing very bright. Is it the correct settings? Should we reduce the brightness?
Anyhow, thank God. I can sit before it without UV glass, no headache now :)

Someone told me about touch screen monitor today. Is it more good than LED?

Meera sandhu
My husband has installed it yesterday. I was no where there. So I don't know, he has made any changes in settings.
Now, it is appearing very bright. Is it the correct settings? Should we reduce the brightness?
Anyhow, thank God. I can sit before it without UV glass, no headache now :)

Someone told me about touch screen monitor today. Is it more good than LED?

yes adjust the contrast and brightness that is best suitable to view and always keep one hand distance between eyes and monitor
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..
adjust your monitor resolution .it will available on desktop setting .standard is 1600*900.
adjust your monitor resolution .it will available on desktop setting .standard is 1600*900.

Even then it is stretchy...Isn't it? :(
Your face is also appearing like this... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Sandhya call a demostater from where you have purchased it. They will make it ok like this.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5633]}
I hadn't done such mistakes as I have not purchased a TV so far.I had vitnessed this and also thought about this problem.

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I hadn't done such mistakes as I have not purchased a TV so far.I had vitnessed this and also thought about this problem.

bt good comfort with eyes, yesterday and today. I am not using UV glasses also. Actually, my eyes have some problem :)

Meera sandhu
Akka, What happen to your eyes :( ? Go for eye check up. This is because of 24 hours online here on forum. :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer:. reduce your time spending here and take rest. It will help you a lot:)

Akka, What happen to your eyes :( ? Go for eye check up. This is because of 24 hours online here on forum. :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer:. reduce your time spending here and take rest. It will help you a lot:)

It happened some months before, just after Onam. I was not able to read even newspaper for 5 minutes. Also can't watch TV or computer monitor. 2-3 months full head ache and feeling of drowsiness.....That much strain to my eyes and head.
I thought...I am going to die :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P
Can you imagine a imbalance world, alone in house, without reading or watching TV or PC, full dizziness?
Later I found it was due to convergence of eyes.....i.e. Things near to eyes...about 10-15 cms...are appearing 2 instead of 1 :laugh: :cheer: :silly: :blink: :P :laugh: :laugh:
With 2-3 months eye exercise, almost corrected. But nowadays little lazy. :P

Meera sandhu
So, now i hope with the new monitor and UV protective glass you can have good view :)

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