There are 2 ways to become famous.
1. Truthful and Good manner
2. False and bad manner.

1.Truthful and Good manner:
Through this manner means

Becoming singer, dancer and actor by attempting some competition which are been conducted nationally and internationally.
For example: take the singer Sriram Chandra. He worked hard for 4 and half months and became INDIAN IDLE 5. Now his life completely changed and he became a celebrity.

Even we can become famous by Education and profession but it takes more time.

2. False and Bad manner

This means by killing people, doing cheating and crimes .
this is really bad.


Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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To become famous you must be a good mannered, also you should do hardwork.This may be a time taken matter.
To do something bad you may be famous quickly it is for sometime.
I would rather go with the first option which says to be famous by following good and truthful manner. Though it will take a bit of time but being famous in this manner would bring a peace in my heart....
I will go to the truthful and good manner option.I like to achieve things by working hard.
I think true and good manner is right way to famous. show your work publicly and expose yourself more and more.

Santosh Kumar Singh


yeah i agree with you Ms Sarala getting fame with positive works will make you remember able forever and in good mean also but bad works only tease people nothing else.
Fame brought through good way will persist even after the death of the person.

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To become famous you need to be truthful and good mannered and success will follow you

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