Can pension be stopped in case of government failure in giving the same?
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Pensions are the only hope and support for the retired ones and our seniors and I don't think that in any case should be stopped rather they should be given more timely by the government....
Pension to Government salary is at par with salary. Pension is not a charity nor a social welfare measure. This is a matter of right. However, every grant of ension shall be subject to good future conduct. Hence pension may be stopped for unlawful and criminal conduct of a pensioner and for no other reason. Here 'good future conduct' is significant. Past conduct before grant of pension is not relevant.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No, it can't be stopped because those pensioners really depend on it for their livelihood.

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No the pension must not be stopped this is the only hope to the retired people it is giving light support to their old age.

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No the pension must not be stopped this is the only hope to the retired people it is giving light support to their old age.

This is not a question of support in old age. Rather this is a matter of right. Pension is paid for past service and this is considered as 'deferred wage'. Thus this is just like salary and is a right. This is not social security measure.

There are different types of pensions. superannuation and retiring pension are for past service. family pension is paid on death of a serving or retired person. These cannot be stopped except for future misconduct.

There are also old age and widow pension, which are social security measure. These depend on financial position of government and sanctioned accordingly.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

pension is the mark of work of employee for long time in a particular company . it should be a special department in govt . Also it should never be stopped.
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