Do you believe in god? And why
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No. I do not believe in God. I think the second part is to be replied by the believers. However, even then I may say that there is no basis for the notion of God and nobody has so far experienced the existence of any such entity. Hence, there is no reason to believe.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Even, I don't believe in god because I hadn't experienced anything which can be termed as god's act.
Well I don't believe in the physical existance of God but I do believe that there is some power...
Yes, I beleive in God.There should be a force behind all these creations which I think is God.

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Yes I believe in God as some super power and not as a physical existence

Yes, I believe in God. Because I think nature and first human being created by God.

Be positive
Yes I do, firmly.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
I believe God. Because God is the supreme power of the world

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

ya i believe in god. i feel god near to me. it feels me that god is watching me all the time.
Any one who thinks about the creation of this world will definitely believe in God.

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