Is any body explain me how to get payment i have bconfusion that they said that they send a 4 digit number then i have to submit it .where they send this 4 digit number.can they really pay to there much time it take to send payment.
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@ chandan kumar
you need to check about that number in members option, there they will display the identification number. for getting this number you should have atleast 2000points and coming to the payment, you should earn 1500rs in your my earning column. they even pay from 750rs but with some conditions that you be much active in forum should post the valuable forum reply but not spaming. what ever i know till my knowledge i said you.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thanks for the information Sarala . I have crossed 2000 but looking forward to increase my case credit.
Boddunan do pay once you cross your threshold limit. Process does takes time but you get payment very soon.
Sarala, Monalisa,

The identification code is no longer used. Your payment will be automatically generated and sent after reaching Rs.1500. The payment will be generated on last day of every month. So make sure you have reached the minimum level before the last day of a month.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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