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12 years ago
B) Yes I trying to do it but my grammar is not good, and I also have not treasure of English words so I need help of translator.
B) I am Hindi speaking. My mother tongue is also Hindi. To help in writing I am using google translator. I am facing problem of sentence formation. Formation of translated sentence is not proper. What I do?
You will have to put some efforts from your side and this will help you in the long run...practice makes perfect. the more sentences you form by yourself the less you depend on the translator !
Anil, the very fact that you are doing fine on the forums shows that you can do the same while writing articles, the more you write the more words you become familiar with ...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Yes. Forum participation also increases our language skills.
12 years ago
B) I am Hindi speaking. My mother tongue is also Hindi. To help in writing I am using google translator. I am facing problem of sentence formation. Formation of translated sentence is not proper. What I do?
You cannot totally depend on such translation machines or mechanisms. They will translate word for word, where it is possible to compromise on the meaning. There is no option but to have an understanding of grammar.
Thank you said by: Mary
12 years ago
We use the English language more in our daily life comparing to other languages.
12 years ago
Part part word meaning is good option there and sometime I also use it.
Me also some time used it to translate the sentences. Because I am not well versed in English. :( :( :( :( :(
You have good vocabulary and express well. You just need be careful with grammar especially using present and past tense properly.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
10 years ago
After translating using google translator, you must cross check them and re correct it. There is no chance of auto correction as the google software cannot think like human.
10 years ago
B) I am Hindi speaking. My mother tongue is also Hindi. To help in writing I am using google translator. I am facing problem of sentence formation. Formation of translated sentence is not proper. What I do?
Google translator gives you a literal translation of words, which may or may not be grammatically correct. Moreover, it can be a time consuming procedure to attempt writing a lengthy article using Google translator.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
10 years ago
Google translator translates word by word. You should not depend on Google translation. It is good for the people who want to know the meaning of the word in different languages by putting the word in Google translation and get the meaning of that word. Technology is changing everything is possible but it will take some time. You cannot get accurate translation for every language because each language has its own style. Translation always depends on the human mind.
10 years ago
Goolge cannot translate like a human being. Even though google translator is highly grossing product world wide. This can just translate the sentences up to some extinct. After that we must do the remaining on our own.
10 years ago
Google Translator is just a guideline. It cannot translate all the nuances and intricacies of a language. Remember every language has its own own idiom. This is where Google translator fails.
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