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15 years ago
Your findings are quite interesting.I can not find even any remote connection between these two words- convulsion and conversion.The word convulsion is often used metaphorically.For example the word 'convulsion' in the sentence 'a society in convulsion' is used to denote an upheaval.
Your findings are quite interesting.I can not find even any remote connection between these two words- convulsion and conversion.The word convulsion is often used metaphorically.For example the word 'convulsion' in the sentence 'a society in convulsion' is used to denote an upheaval.
15 years ago
I also sees no relation except some common letters in these two words supplied.But it is good to explain both.
I also sees no relation except some common letters in these two words supplied.But it is good to explain both.
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15 years ago
Through this thread, I wish to draw attention of all to the sentence- "i am agree." commonly used by members.
We should write- "I agree'. I am agree- is not correct expression.
We should write- "I agree'. I am agree- is not correct expression.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
15 years ago
Thanks for introducing this topic, it is quite educative. :)
15 years ago
Let me differentiate between 'very' and 'too'
'very' modifies a verb. it is in good sense. when, we say 'He is very intelligent', this is a good comment.
The use of 'too' is in bad sense. This means 'more than justified. Thus saying- "he is too clever" is a criticism and not compliment. This means that the person is so clever that he may cheat.
'very' modifies a verb. it is in good sense. when, we say 'He is very intelligent', this is a good comment.
The use of 'too' is in bad sense. This means 'more than justified. Thus saying- "he is too clever" is a criticism and not compliment. This means that the person is so clever that he may cheat.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
15 years ago
Why girls are more beauty than boys- This is title of a thread. I wish to correct it. The sentence should be - why girls are more beautiful than boys. This may also read- 'Why girls have more beauty than boys'.
Beauty is a noun and not adjective. So girls may possess beauty but they are not beauty. In this context, Keats has written- A thing of beauty is joy for ever. He has rightly written 'a thing of beauty'. This could also be 'beautiful thing'. But this would not be poetic.
Beauty is a noun and not adjective. So girls may possess beauty but they are not beauty. In this context, Keats has written- A thing of beauty is joy for ever. He has rightly written 'a thing of beauty'. This could also be 'beautiful thing'. But this would not be poetic.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
15 years ago
Gulshan I wanted to ask you one question. Income from boddunan will be taxed under what head of income in Income tax?
15 years ago
Jayen- Income from Boddunan will be taxed under the heading- "Business and profession".
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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