Deepika Padukone is spending her hard earn money wisely. According to latest reports, Deepika has purchased a 2,776 sq foot four bed room apartment in BeauMonde Towers, Prabhadevi.

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The price tag attached with her new apartment is Rs 16 crore and it is located on the 26th floor. The new apartment is jointly in the names of Deepika and her father's Prakash Padukone.

The actress and her father paid Rs79,82,600 to register the property at the Old Custom House in Fort on 6th December.
Currently Deepika is staying in her Pali Hill apartment with her family and will continue to stay there.

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I think that is really very expensive and wise decision.. :cheer:
When cash is there why don't they do this?Don't lok to those celebrities.

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Spending too much on a house is extravagant for a normal Man.But celebrities don't mind spending too much I believe.
She is a celebrity and she won't mind putting in so much cash in lavish apartment... And even when she is earning too well....
Yeah.. Padukone is the busiest actress now.She has beaten many of the famous actresses like Rani.. :)

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Well, I think it is very expensive and as Deepika is a much demanded heroine, it is very easy for her.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Regardless of the box office disappointment of APARTMENT, deepik hasn't lost her spunk. .According to latest reports, deepik wants to buy a bigger apartment by Attention!

"Make Hay while sun shine" is the principle most of the people in film industry follow.
Like every one she also enjoying her life.
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