Cast-system is now pushed back to the back burner!

Do you think that with the social modernization and the concept of globalization the age old cast-system is slowly being removed and indian masses are getting united much more than earlier days...

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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Cast-system might have reduced a little.But still the seats in engineering and medical colleges are alloted based on the divisions BC,MBC,FC,SC,ST. If two persons having same marks but one belongs to MBC and the other is FC, then the MBC person will get a seat in a good college than FC person. What is your opinion on this?
Caste system is being weakened in metropolitan and other big cities. But in rural and interiors, still the vice of caste sytem is very much alive. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan rural areas suffer from the vice very acutely. Even in urban areas, people of different castes mingle but they still observe caste identities and differences in social occasions. At Agra, various castes have their own gatherings and conferences. This may be at other places also.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes,modernization and globalization make caste system weak.But i think much more time will be taken before its completely wiped out.
We all know that still about 90% of arranged marriage are based on caste.That mentality is not at all changing.You go to a marriage bureau and you can see separate section for each caste!Now everyone promote the idea.In cities i think this trend is less,but still parents give first consideration to same caste marriage.
So i really hope that this system get destroyed and our India be free from this evil.I hope that modernization and globalization mark an end to this useless practice and create a unified India.
Jai Hind
Hello friends,

I have not posted this thread for discussing reservation policy. My aim is to open a discussion that the cast system is the worst possible stigma attached to the Indian civilization that has been condemned in the forum of United Nations.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello friends,

We all should make all out efforts to remove it completely from our country rather than giving excuses and trying to justify it with the support of hollow logics.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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