Dear members in the absence of boddunan team Page impressions has decreased and also Rank has decreased last week Rank is too bad so friends I think Christmas and New year are coming so before members go on holiday please participate more and more to get our rank and page impression back.
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Hello Soubhagya,

I am not sure how Alexa is ranking the sites, but boddunan has increased by 8% during this month. I am attaching this month daily page views report from Google Analytics (You can't deny this as this is tracked by boddunan). [file name=Analytics_www-20091219.pdf size=18466][/file]

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

8%?!?! this month? that is certainly good to hear...
Well letsjust hope ,have faith in our work.
Maverick I have mentioned about last week decrease

This was last week rank
Alexa Traffic Rank FOR bODDUNAN

Yesterday- Data not available

7 day 266,254

1 month 192,317

3 month 152,979

This is on 19th

7 day 529,907

1 month 219,442

3 month 162,758

and from your analytic you can see during November 30th to December 5th you can see there is 7k page impression everyday but after that page impression has decreased.

I am not good in English or else I would have write number of articles which will attract visitors.
Maverick I have seen that My college friends continuously searching for On line articles regarding some course and they search 100 sites everyday so I think you find out 1-2 computer professionals who can post good number of articles so that we can get good traffic everyday
We should better post good quality contents on Boddunan rather than harping for posting more number of articles with not so very good quality.

Let us not worry for the statistics just keep working on the site and do quality jobs...

Harish Jharia
Thank you Soubhagya for the suggestions. We will work on solutions to attract the young professionals and students.

And regarding Alexa rank, I am still confused with such a drastic drop in rank even though there is no signs of such drop in page views. I think they are tracking US traffic volume only.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

No No maverick Alexa rank and goggle analytic s both are giving approximately similar result you can see there is decrease in last week page impression so Alexa rank also has decreased only for last week not for all month
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Dear Amit that link is properly working and opening so you check it again properly and see the page impression for everyday
From the above analytics the highest page visit per day is around 7000 That means only 5-10 people are here working here actively because half of the page impression coming from them so to reach at 100k page impression is not so easy with these limited members I think we have to post good quality articles which will bring good traffic to our site
Amit Warkari wrote:
[quote]The link says..
Damaged File :(
Please recheck it...[/quote]

I got the same error when my Adobe reader is not upgraded (v5). Upgrade to latest and you can view the file.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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