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About alexa ranking..

Alexa ranking is based on page hits of our site.They analyse the traffic.But the problem is that they can't directly analyse us as we haven't given the permission.So,they analyse it as an outsider.

So,they can't analyse it well.. That why it shows wrong information.

Google analytics will be correct because we have installed their code in our site to analyse us.I'm sure that boddunan traffic had increased this month.So,we can completely depend on google analytics rather than alexa.

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And if we need correct details and ranking through alexa,we have to install their code in our site so they can correctly track and gave the correct results.Otherwise we can't depend tham more.

Its the moderators choice to install it in our site or not...

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Regarding traffic..

Our problem is that most of our traffic is from our members and external reader traffic is less for us.I think its because of less article base.

If we get more readers.. page hit will surely increase..

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Ya Jobin due to less good articles we have less number of external traffic . so I think now days people are searching about computer,recipes, new released movies we have to post these related articles
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