Internet connectivity has been partially disrupted in parts of India due to an undersea fiber cable issue. Efforts are on to restore operations and services of Tata Communications Ltd. seem to be the most affected. Internet services of other players in the market seem to be affected to an extent as well.

The internet outage was prominent from today morning. According to officials in Tata Communications, there seem to be a problem on SMW4 cable system between Jeddah and Alexandria. The South East Asia–Middle East–Western Europe 4 (SEA-ME-WE 4) submarine communications cable system connects South East Asia and Europe. The IP traffic has therefore been rerouted via New Jersey-Mumbai (Pacific Path).
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An additional information is that this is the third time the disruptions have occurred in the last couple of months.
Thanks for giving information about internet disruption.

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Thanks for the information Nagalakshmi hope a permanent solution is brought in to stop this disruptions.

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Yes Jayen and Ronark.I agree with you both.A permanent solution is mandatory for this problem. :) :)
Oh is it??? Hope it will not be interrupted more adversely....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Hope it is resolved by now.but i could not get any updated information regarding this issue. :(
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